Chapter 15 | Sweater Weather

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| Don't ever forget me when I'm gone since, I'll think about you |

   Ink gets a pair of new clothes from his closet while (Y/n) sits on the end of the bed watching him with a visible blush on her cheeks. She wants to look away and give him some privacy, but she just wants to watch him since they are best friends who love each other. Realizing this, she grabs his pillow and buries her face into it not wasting any time looking at him. He looks over to his bed seeing her a blushing mess burying her face into his pillow making him blush a bit at her being embarrassed.

   After Ink gets dressed into some new clothes, he sits on the bed beside the teenager seeing that she isn't paying any attention to him at all. "I'm done getting dressed, you can look up now," He tells her and she hesitantly brings her head up seeing him in grey shorts and a plain white shirt. "Don't you have any other pairs of your other outfit you had on!?" She exclaims only to have him chuckle at the blush spreading across her face. Her eyes widen and she pouts crossing her arms over her chest.

   "Why? You don't like me wearing these clothes?" He asks her and she nods looking away from him only to make him smile. "What if I wore these the whole day?" He tells her only to be tackled down onto the bed with the teenager on top of him. "No! You are not wearing those clothes for the entire day. If you do then don't blame me getting you and Undertale Sans mixed up," She says as Ink puts his skeletal arms behind his head enjoying the position they're in.

After a few seconds of being in the position they're in, she gets off of him becoming a blushing mess again. "Sorry! I... I didn't know what came over me!" She tells Ink only to hear soft laughter come from him. "It's okay, besides I remember I used to do that to you when you were little," He says getting into a sitting position as the blush on the teenagers cheeks fade. When the blush goes away completely, a thought comes to her head instantly smiling. "Remember the other song we used to sing when I was little?" She asks him and they sit in silence for a while as Ink searches throughout his memories, trying to remember.

"You got the song off of the internet and made me memorize the whole entire song. I can't believe you made me do that!" Ink exclaims seeing the teenager laugh her heart out because of his complaining along with his voice going high. His eyes go into multiple shapes with different colors before returning to his original color and shape. "Could we sing it? Please?" She asks him with her (e/c) orbs making his heart skip a beat. "I suppose," He says as he lets out a sigh.

"'Cause it's too cold," 

"For you here and now," 

"So let me hold," 

"Both your hands in," 

"The holes of my sweater," 

"All I am is a man," 

"I want the world in my hands," 

"I hate the beach," 

"But I stand," 

"In California with my toes in the sand," 

"Use the sleeves of my sweater," 

"Let's have an adventure," 

"Head in the clouds, but my gravity's centered," 

"Touch my neck and I'll touch yours," 

Broken Soul {Ink!Sans x Depressed!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now