Chapter 19 | Something Unexpected

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| Don't forget, that I'll love you till the world ends |

   Blueberry was heading up the stairs to show (Y/n) what he made her although on the way up, he heard commotion from Error's room making him worried since his voice was more glitched when he's angry. He slowly made his way towards his room becoming wary of what's happening. When he hears a song being sung he moves closer to the door waiting for the song to end. After the song ends, he opens the door slowly and carefully not knowing what was going on. Seeing Error in the arms of the teenager made a smile form on his skull from him making physical contact with another person besides him. Something catches his eye making his soul drop from terror, scars trace around the teenager's ankles and wrists. He stuffs the card inside his blue scarf, and runs towards them enveloping them into a hug. He doesn't question her as she wraps her other arm around him while holding the other one around Error. He doesn't believe what he saw on her fragile figure, but seeing that her hope is low enough just to make her shatter. He becomes terrified of what might happen if it shatters, but he would do anything to prevent that from happening. Tears form in the corner of his eye sockets, not blinking them away as he stares aimlessly into space pondering all the possibilities that would play out if she died. After a while of being in his own thoughts, he wipes the tears away and looks down at the floor avoiding eye contact with her or Error.

   "It's okay Blueberry, I'm fine... You don't have to worry." The teenager whispers to him, understanding what he just saw and couldn't form the words that are jumbled in his head unable to form sentences. He cries into her chest, not daring to look up and make eye contact with her. He didn't know what happened to her and Error, but doesn't question it since her hope is too low. Although on the other hand, the teenager doesn't know how to cover up the scars the strings left on her skin so Ink won't worry about her and get made at Error. She lies back letting her head hit the front of the bed. Exhaling a shaky breath nothing comes to her head on how to cover up the scars, but just to avoid Ink all day which she doesn't want to do since she's going to disappear tonight. A few tears slide down her cheeks not wanting to disappear. She becomes stressed and gets up from the two skeleton and teleports to her room, not looking back.

   A sharp pain courses throughout her figure making her drop to her knees gasping for breath. "Chara... Stop doing this to me..." She tells the demonic child that only lets out an insane laugh having fear rise in her. Chara forms in front of her bending down to her height, pulling on the teenager's hair making her look up at him with tears forming in her eyes. "Why would I want to stop, since you're going to disappear tonight! Shouldn't I make it last?" They say, letting go of her hair as she sits up and backs up into the wall behind her, becoming terrified of what the child is doing. "You do know that you're going to have to tell Ink that you're going to disappear! Are you gonna tell him or just let him suffer?" They ask her making the teenagers (e/c) eyes widen as the tears slide down her cheeks and onto the floor. They creep closer swinging the knife that's in their grasp, having her watch the blade seeing her reflection. She couldn't speak since words wouldn't form in her mind. A knock could be heard and Chara is snapped out of their trance from torturing the teenager. "I'll be back tonight," They whisper loud enough for her to hear and they disappear in just a blink of an eye.

   When the door opens, a skeleton appears at the door and the teenager shuts her eyes tightly not wanting to see who came in. Ink directs his eyes around the room and spots (Y/n) crying up against the wall making him rush up beside her and cradle her in his arms. She cries into his chest not speaking and they sit like that as he brings her closer, rocking her back and forth. He didn't know what was going on, but doesn't question her right away since it'll be rude, but all that he wants is for her to be safe and sound. He cares for her deeply and doesn't want to lose her, but her safety comes first along with her health. As he cradles her, he could see the scars covering her ankles and wrists. He knows who they belong to, but doesn't jump to the conclusion of him hurting her. He teleports the both of them to her room, and they sit on the bed. "It's okay... Nothing's going to hurt you, I'm here," He says, trying to calm her down and eventually her cries start to calm down, and she starts to drift to sleep from crying. All that he has to know is what is hurting her, threatening to kill her, or else he'll lose her... And he doesn't want to lose her.

| I'm here. Don't worry, I'll protect you from the nightmares |

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