Chapter 08 | Old Times

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   | People change, Memories don't |

   "It has been a while," Dancetale speaks up catching her attention where she lifts her head up meeting his white pinpricks of light. She nods not wanting to let go of him as they lie down on the floor where Ink, Blueberry, Edge, and Sci looks at them confused on what's going on. Ink walks out of the room and goes somewhere other than there. 

   "I knew Dancetale ever since I was six," (Y/n) informs them making them nod in understanding while Blueberry only has stars for his blue orbs. "That's so cute!" Blueberry states as he takes a seat besides the two on the couch. They stand up and hug once more before pulling away. 

   "It's nice seeing you again but now I have to find out where Ink went," She tell him pouting a bit making a light blue hue cross Dancetale's cheek bones as he nubs the back of his neck bone. "I think he went to his room, good luck," He tells her and she nods walking out of the room as he chats to the other three.

   (Y/n) walks out of the room only to see no one in the main entrance making her confused but shakes it off and heads up the stairs. Her shoes making a light tapping sound as she makes contact with the ground letting a quiet sigh escape her lips as she wonders where his room is. Thinking back to where her room is she decides to look around her room to see if it's close by.

   After a bit of walking she finally finds it and she knocks on it earning a faint hello on the other side. "It's (Y/n), can I come in?" She asks hearing the doorknob click and she opens it only to see Ink sitting down on his bed as he just stares at the wall with thoughts swirling in his head. The teenager sits on the bed confused on what he's doing. Watching him for quite a while an idea pops into her mind grinning happily with the choice she's about to make. And there was a surprise for her when Ink started to sing with her making her even more happy.

"You can be the peanut butter to my jelly," 

"You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly," 

"You can be the captain and I can be your first mate," 

"You can be the chills that I feel on our first date," 

"You can be the hero and I can be your side kick," 

"You can be the tear that I cry if we ever split," 

"You can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin'," 

"Or you can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'," 

"Don't know if I ever could be," 

"Without you 'cause boy you complete me," 

"And in time I know that we'll both see," 

"That we're all we need," 

"'Cause your the apple to my pie," 

"(But I won't hesitate)" 

"You're the straw to my berry," 

"(No more, no more)" 

"You're the smoke to my high," 

"(This can not wait)" 

Broken Soul {Ink!Sans x Depressed!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now