Chapter 05 | The Devil Within

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   | How long can you survive before someone corrupts your life and giving it a limit |

   As Blueberry pulls (Y/n) from her room she could only keep up before tripping down the stairs and being caught in the arms of someone. With her eyes shut tight scared of what to see in front of her, but she opens them seeing a skeleton with a faint glowing red eye. A playful smirk comes across him skull face seeing the human in his grasp as his red eye lights up then dims back down going back to normal. "Let me guess... (Y/n), right?" He asks her receiving a shy nod from the teenager before letting her go. The world around her spins before regaining her balance once again and seeing herself in front of him.  She's scared of what's about to come since she hasn't been this many people before or monsters for that fact.

   "Not quite a talker, eh?" He speaks up catching (Y/n)'s attention as she looks his way meeting his red eye. She nods once again not wanting to talk in front a bunch of people. A quiet sigh comes from him as he feels like he's being watched from behind. Turning around he could see the nerd that he has crush on look away with a blue hue spread across his cheek bones. "How about you hang out with us?" He says to her as he stares at Science Sans with a very light tint of red across his cheek bones.

   "S-Sure..." (Y/n) mutters out as she sees the skeleton wrap an arm around another one as he flinches from the intact. "How about you come with us to the living room, we'll be waiting there for you," He tells her as they left without a word from the girl. Leaving her in a claustrophobic area that she's surrounded by monsters she doesn't even know. She follows behind them not wanting to get pst in the crowd of monsters. A certain skeleton found her interesting since he has never seen a human act shy in front of a monster like them.

   'You can't keep yourself locked up forever...'

   (Y/n)'s heart skips a beat as she keeps heading towards the living room trailing behind them. She honestly thought they were a couple but let the thought go away since the one in the white lab coat flinched from the one in the black jacket. 

   'Are you trying to ignore me?'

   'Kinda...' She thinks as she sees the living room ahead of them. Once they enter the room she sits on the couch as the two others do. "My name's Underfell Sans but you can just call me Edge, and his name is Science Sans, but you can call him Sci," He says to her with a smile as Sci just gives a small wave.

   "How did you first meet Ink?" Sci speaks up and this caught (Y/n) off guard. Placing a finger on her chin she thinks back to the time when she was first born. Remembering seeing colorful swirls of colors and someone placing a (f/c) rose in her hair. 

   "When I first met Ink, was when I was born," She answers as she smiles at the memory. Sci seems to be interested from what she told him and Edge is a little bit into it too. "That's interesting... Usually when Ink meets someone is when they're in some sort of emergency or drawing something," Edge says to her making her lean back into the couch trying to remember what happened when she was born.

   'You can't keep hiding your secret... You have a limit...'

   | No one can keep a secret forever, it will eventually come out | 

Broken Soul {Ink!Sans x Depressed!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now