Chapter 18 | Everything Stays

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| I'll always be in your heart no matter where you are |

   "No," Error tells (Y/n) as he turns away and starts walking towards the living room. A sigh comes from the teenagers lips as she follows right on his tail. She walks besides him and sees that he's annoyed with something but she doesn't why he's acting all angry all of a sudden. They both walk towards the couch and sit on it while Error ignores her presence and looks away. Confusion swirls in her head on why he's acting like this and decides that something might cheer him up. An idea pops into her head and gets up off the couch and makes her way towards Blueberry's room. Her footsteps make a light tapping sound as it comes in contact with the white flooring. Seeing Blueberry's door slightly ajar she heads on inside, seeing that he's making something.

   "Hey Blueberry! What're you making?" She asks him filled with curiosity and he jumps to the sound of her voice and hides the papers behind him. Just seeing her made him feel happy since he found a new friend that he'll remember also that she's a human rather than being a monster like all the others that he met besides Chara and Frisk from his own Universe. "N-Nothing! Just a little something for someone," He tells her with a light blue tinting his skull. She doesn't ask him anything else but just one question that she has on her mind. "Do you know what'll make Error happy or at least smile?" She asks him and he shakes his head having her shoulders drop in disappointment. "Well, it looks like I'm going to try and make Error happy." She tells him and his eyes widen in disbelief. "No one has ever tried to make Error happy or grin! I wish you good luck with that." He exclaims and she walks out of the room while closing the door behind her and giving him some alone time.

   She skips back into the living room trying to figure out what would make him happy and around a million ideas come to her head but they're mostly stuff that Blueberry, Dance, and Ink would like so it wasn't even remotely close. She knows that he's the destroyer of universes as Ink protects them from him. She groans in disappointment not even having the slightest idea on what Error likes or dislikes. She knows that he doesn't like being near or talking to them, he'd rather isolate himself in his room without letting anyone come in. The only person that he lets in is Blueberry and she doesn't want anyone's help since she wants to try and help him making new friends rather than other things that keep him entertained. When she gets into the living room Error isn't anywhere in her sight and he isn't sitting on the couch which makes her confused.

   She tries to remember where his room is and could faintly remember the door. She zooms up the stairs up to where his room is located. There is only one thing that she hates; Error's room is the only room that is on the top floor of the mansion. As she zooms up the stairs she bumps into someone and almost falls backwards. Although, that someone held onto her and pulls her close to their chest, as she opened her (e/c) eyes she is met with two different colored and shaped eyes.

   "It looks like you're in a hurry for something. What's happening?" Ink asks her watching as the teenagers cheeks become a light red. He chuckles seeing her embarrassed of him catching the teenager before falling and hurting herself. "Well... I was going to see Error and try to cheer him up, but besides that... I hope you return safely and not get hurt by Sans or the Papyrus that's in that universe." She tells him as the blush fades away from her cheeks. Ink kisses her forehead and lies his skull on her forehead, pulling her a little bit closer to him. "I'll see you later, sunshine." He tells her before teleporting to Echofell and leaving her there stunned by what Ink just called her.

   She shakes her head and continues heading up the stairs with determination running throughout her veins. Slowing down her pace she stops at the top floor and walks over to Errors room that has blue strings hanging from the top of the door. She raises an eyebrow but shakes it off since it is his room and he can do whatever he wants to do with it. She knocks on the door and it slightly opens making her wonder why he didn't lock it. She peeks into the room and sees Error sitting on the side of his bed with his back towards the door and looking over his shoulder.

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