Chapter 09 | Breaking

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   | Some people would want to break others and push them off the edge |

   "(Y/n), that was fun," Ink speaks up catching her attention. She chuckles remembering that they used to sing that when she was little and it made her happy once they finish the song. "Yea it was," She says as she dozes off into space wondering what it'll be like when she's gone. Honestly she didn't want to leave everyone and some of the monsters she has yet to meet. She doesn't want to leave Ink behind since he's been there for her ever since the beginning. As all these thoughts swirl throughout her head she didn't notice someone waving his hand in front of her face making her flinch for a split second before realizing who it is.

   "You seem out of it today, what's up?" He asks her as she sighs quietly not wanting him to hear it. "I'm fine, promise," She lies to him as she looks away from him where his eyes show concern for her. They both don't talk for a while as they face away from each other. The teenager's soul cracking a bit making her feel a shock of pain go throughout her body but she doesn't show it not wanting him to know what's happening to her. Ink doesn't know why she has been acting like this all of a sudden, it felt like the last time he saw her was on her birthday. She was happy back then before he left for a few years until she became suicidal when he saw her again. She has a place in his life that he will never give up even if it meant risking his life for her he'll do it no matter what it takes.

   "I'm going to my room, you can come get me if you need anything," (Y/n) tells him as she stands up and trudges out of the room feeling his eyes on her. Closing the door behind her, she heads into the room next to him which is her room. As she goes into her room and closes the door behind her she hisses in pain from the damager her soul is taking. Her soul pops out in front of her showing a dimly lit green soul with cracks going along the sides making its way to the middle where it will make the damage more severe. Hissing once again from the pain her soul fades away returning to her figure as she backs up onto the wall and sliding down breathing heavily, trying to get her thoughts straight.

   'Don't you remember our deal?'

   "Yes, I do... but I can't disappear right now," She tells the voice hearing them sigh in her head. She doesn't want to disappear from the start of their deal but she didn't have a choice. It was either Ink dies if she didn't make it but she made the deal when he was gone. Another shock of pain goes throughout her body making her heart stop for second before coming back making her eyes widen in shock knowing that they want them to disappear right now. A low growl comes from the teenager hearing a happy and insane laugh come from her head.

   'What? Are you gonna try and hurt me? You can't! Besides, you don't even have powers!'

   "Just shut up," She tells them feeling worthless to everyone but she doesn't show her weakness to others. She stands back up having her arm on the wall supporting herself from being even more hurt. Carefully making her way to her bed, she gets on it lying down and hugging her pillow with tears threatening to fall down. After a few seconds tears start falling down her cheeks. "I'm sorry Ink," She whispers to herself not knowing what to do about it except wait until it's time for her to fade away hoping that no one will miss her. "I'm very sorry... I love you so much, you don't even know... I just hope that I can tell you before I leave... I hope it won't be next week," She says out loud for herself to hear as she sobs quietly into the pillow to muffle it. Although she didn't know that someone heard all what she said.

   | Not everything ends with a happy ending |

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