Chapter 04 | Ikanaide

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   | Suicidal people are just angels that want to go home |

   (Y/n) sits up from that dream or nightmare, breathing heavily from it. That memory made too much  emotions swirl in her. Not wanting to feel it anymore she starts to sing a song that she made up after that memory. Seeing a white grand piano in the corner of her room made a smile appear on her lips as she gets up out of bed and heads over to the piano.

   Sitting down she closes her eyes as her fingers glides through the keys graceful and peacefully remembering every single one of the notes. Soon the lyrics come to her mind, singing to the song.

"Say it's okay, that it don't matter anyway,"

"But as I walk away, honestly I just want to stay,"

"Even though I prayed that you would stay here with me,"

"I watched you walk away,"

"And I cannot take my eyes off of you,"

"You catch a flight, you'll be out of sight,"

"I guess that you're leaving me..."

"I start to run because you're the one,"

"Slowly, the ground's moving,"

"I shouldn't cry, I shouldn't cry,"

"But the truth is what I want to say..."

"Oh, please don't leave me,"

"You're vanishing, you're leaving me,"

"And I can't see you anymore..."

"I look away, and I wanna say,"

"The night is crumbling..."

"I shouldn't cry, I shouldn't cry,"

"But the truth is what I want to say..."

"Oh, please don't leave me,"

"When the fun is over, it'll always seem to end the same,"

"Though I know it's coming, I can never seem to stop the pain,"

"In this very moment, you look even more amazing,"

"And I can't avoid your gaze,"

"Once again, I can see nothing but your face,"

"Time's ticking by, no matter how I try,"

"I'm struggling to keep up..."

"Night's taken hold as I'm walking home,"

"I wonder if I'll be okay, alone..."

"Lights on the street glow at my feet,"

"My shadow is all I've got,"

"To keep me company..."

"You silhouette is fading away,"

"Too quickly for me to bear..."

"Just as the dark, it tears me apart,"

"My surroundings blur once again..."

"I shouldn't cry, I shouldn't cry,"

"But the truth is what I want to say..."

"Oh, please don't leave me..."

"You're vanishing, you're leaving me,"

"And I can't see you anymore..."

"I look away, and I wanna say,"

"The night is crumbling..."

"I shouldn't cry, I shouldn't cry,"

"But the truth is what I want to say..."

"Please don't leave me..."

"Please don't leave me..."

"Please don't leave me..."

   As (Y/n)'s fingers play the last few notes, she could faintly hear the door open from behind her but she blocks off the noise for a second, before turning around. When she turns around she could see a skeleton staring at her within a daze with his blue orbs as stars. As she could tell he's wearing light grey armor with neon blue trimming on the ends along with a light blue cape strapped around his neck bone. Dark blue pants that almost look black, with some light blue boots to complete the outfit.

   "That was amazing, (Y/n)! You have a talent for singing and playing piano!" He says excitedly as the teen look at him in confusion. 'How does he know my name?' She thinks watching him jump up and down. A smile comes onto her lips remembering what Ink said about there being other hims. 

   "Thank you, what's your name?" (Y/n) asks him seeing him calm down as she stands up and walk towards him. The skeleton looks at her seeing her (e/c) eyes as a light tint of blue covers his cheek bones. From her perspective it looked really cute on how childish he was acting.

   "Underswap Sans! But you can call me Blueberry!" He answers her with a genuine smile on his skull face. A chuckle escapes the teens lips as she sees him lighten up by the question. Suddenly he grabs her wrist pulling her towards the door.

   "Come on! I have to show you to the others!"

   |Sometimes, lying is better than telling the truth | 

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