Chapter 07 | The Hanging Tree

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   | Love flies by without anybody seeing it |

   "Hey (Y/n)," Edge speaks up catching her attention and making her snap out of her trance. Sitting up straight she looks over at him seeing him with a concerned face while Sci lies back with his clipboard in his skeletal hands. "Do you have any talents?" He asks suddenly making her nod shyly at his question. She has never been asked that question in her lifetime except for Ink. "Cool, what talent do you have?" Sci asks with an amused look in his white pinpricks of light, and she looks away shyly. "I play the piano and guitar," She answers him making Edge only smirk and makes a (f/c) piano appear in the corner of the living room.

   "So, you actually want me to play a song?" She asks them and they both nod wanting to hear how good she sounds. She sighs quietly not wanting them to hear it and she stands up trudging over to the piano as she places a strand of hair behind her ear. She sits at the piano as her fingers play some of the notes. Closing her (e/c) eyes and exhaling a deep breath of oxygen she didn't even know she was holding in, she begins playing the song.

"Are you, are you,"

"Coming to the tree,"

"Where they strung up a man they say murdered three,"

"Strange things did happen here,"

"No stranger would it seem,"

"If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree,"

"Are you, are you,"

"Coming to the tree,"

"Where the dead man called out for his love to flee,"

"Strange things did happen here,"

"No stranger would it seem,"

"If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree,"

"Are you, are you,"

"Coming to the tree,"

"Where I told you to run, so we'd both be free,"

"Strange things did happen here,"

"No stranger would it seem,"

"If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree,"

"Are you, are you,"

"Coming to the tree,"

"Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me...,"

"Strange things did happen here,"

"No stranger would it seem,"

"If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree."

   As (Y/n) plays the last few notes on the piano she could hear Blueberry step into the room and clapping along with Dancetale Sans and Ink as the two other ones sitting on the couch clap also. A light pink blush appear on her cheeks as she lets her arms fall to her sides, and stands up from her seat watching it be surrounded by a red aura and vanishing right in front of her eyes. 

   "That was really awesome (Y/n)-chan!" Blueberry speaks up making her snap out of her small trance and directing her (e/c) over to them seeing another different one. 'Dancetale?' She thinks confused remembering the last time she saw him. It was five when she saw and danced with him, it felt like she was his little sister and her long lost brother.

   Tears come to the corner of her eyes as she tackles him with a hug. "Hey, (Y/n)... Did you miss me?" He asks her only to receive a nod.

   | Keep your head held high and think about all the possibilities that will happen next |

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