Chapter 11 | Limit

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   | People sometimes fear themselves |

   Waking up and rubbing her eyes she could tell that Blueberry has woken up before her and went downstairs to see all the others. Sitting up, she doesn't know how to tell him that everything is going to be alright with her and what she's having. No excuses come to her mind to avoid his question but she doesn't want him to get worried about her health. A sigh escapes her lips not knowing what to do at all. Closing her (e/c) eyes and opening them having her soul pop out in front of her, and she could see that her soul turned into glass overnight making her eyes widen in fear. She doesn't have a long time but she knows that it's around a week before she disappears. "Why... is it glass?" She asks out loud not being able to move from her spot. Seeing the cracks in her soul spreading along the sides making her heart hurt from the pain it's receiving. Inhaling and exhaling a shaky breath of oxygen she could hear a voice in the back of her head.

   "What? Aren't you happy that you're gonna disappear in the next few days?"

   "No... I don't want to go," She tells them with tears pricking the corners of her eyes. All of them care about her and having her there to cheer them up. She doesn't want to believe what they're telling her and how much they want her to feel broken again. She doesn't want to go back to life where she hasn't seen Ink for a very long time and that made her heartbroken more than ever before. "Please... Don't make me..." She says holding back the sobs that are wanting to escape her throat. Tears trail down her cheeks not wanting to break and listen to her when she almost committed suicide yesterday because of them driving her off the edge. "How many days do I have left?" She asks them hoping it would be long but the answer made her shocked.

   "2 days... And you if you refuse then I'll kill Ink and everyone that you made friends with."

   Covering her mouth with both of her hands she cries not caring if anybody hears her. She tries to be quiet but things don't work out for her and someone hears her. Gaster Sans hears her on the other side of the door crying and he couldn't help himself but just open the door and walk straight in. Seeing the teenager crying holding back her sobs made his heart break for some unknown reason, but it made him feel like that she cannot get hurt under his gaze. Walking towards her and sitting on the edge of the bed. When the teen hears the bed creaking she opens her eyes seeing a different skeleton in front of her, she couldn't care less but she lunges and hugs him tightly.

   Gaster Sans hugs back rubbing her back in circles to help her calm down from what she had that made her cry. Hearing her calm down a bit she rests her head onto his shoulder trying to balance her breathing as her chest rises and falls. "It's okay... Nothing is going to hurt you... I'm right here..." He says rocking her back and forth making her cam down all the way. She wipes her eyes leaving trails of tear stains on her cheeks. "I'm Gaster Sans but you can call be Gaster or just G. Are you okay?" He asks her with concern in his white pinpricks of light. She nods not wanting to look at him and see how concerned he his. 

   She doesn't want to leave everyone behind and forget about them. She doesn't want to go with them and be locked up not seeing any of her friends. Especially Ink who gave her a purpose in life and made her happy no matter what happened. She doesn't want to disappear.

   | You're gonna break sometime |

Broken Soul {Ink!Sans x Depressed!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now