Of Dancing and First Lessons

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(Headphones needed for video and just play it now)

It was a few days later that I stood in Mark's office. Well, my boss now.

"So, Sean. We're going to have you train for a bit before you start shows, so for now you're just going to be bussing tables." I nodded along to his words.

"You'll need to be here at 10:00 am for the next week. I'll be training you on how to work the pole." I nodded again, and smiled.

"Thanks again for giving me this job." I said slowly.

Later that day, around 9:00 pm was when my first work shift started.

The music was blaring, and the dancers were already up on stage, dusting their hands and practicing a few moves.

I busied myself with cleaning down some of the tables, but my eyes kept being drawn back to the poles. The glistening golden structure glittered in the lighting, no matter that it was a bit dim.

Feeling Good by Michael Buble came on over the speakers, and I realized that the dancers had gone backstage. I looked around slowly, then walked over to the stage.

It wouldn't hurt to try it out, right? I thought to myself. I didn't know anything about dancing, but it couldn't be that hard, right?

I climbed onto the stage, and I stepped slowly up to the pole. I gazed at it before I reached out and placed my right hand on it, my fingers wrapping around the cool metal.

I slowly walked around the pole, letting the music envelope me.

And I'm feeling

The trumpet chorus picked up, and swung my head back, then spun myself around the pole.

I pulled myself up, only to wrap my hand to grab the pole and sensually run my hand up it. The song became even more intense, and I wrapped a leg around the pole and spun myself around. I dropped my head back, and when the music faded, I heard clapping.

I looked to where the clapping was, startled. There stood Mark, smiling widely. I felt my face heat up, and I looked down.

"That was great, Sean." He said. He walked forward, and rested his hands on the edge of the stage.

"I'm sorry, I just saw the pole and the song-" he cut me off.

"It was really good. Are you sure you've never danced this way before?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Well, for someone who hasn't ever danced before, you're pretty good." He jumped up onto the stage and approached the pole and I. He placed a hand on the pole and leaned against it.

"Here. I'll tech you something before doors open." He said. My eyes widened and I nodded.

'He knows how to pole dance?!' I thought to myself.

He took off his over coat, and tossed it to the side. He wore a white button up underneath, and it fit him really well. Not that I was admiring or anything.

He turned to me and smiled warmly.

"Okay, so I'm just gonna teach you a basic fan kick, alright?" He asked. I nodded, and grinned. He grabbed the pole and flung one of his feet forward, making a kick that swung his legs out to look like a fan. He landed on his feet and turned back to me.

Love on a Pole - Septiplier AUWhere stories live. Discover now