Of New People and New Friends

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Two weeks and a fuck-ton of court meetings later, James was taken to prison with a ten-year sentence. Domestic abuse and all that. A weight was lifted from my shoulders, leaving me with a feeling of utmost joy.

It was the end of my shift, where I stood at the sign-in station, clocking out on the small tablet that was inserted into the wall.

"Sean!" I heard Mark's voice behind me and I finished up signing out quickly before turning around to face him. Behind him stood two very, very tall men who towered over both Mark and I. They were both glancing about the room.

"Sean, I'd like you to meet Dan-" he pointed to the one who had brown hair and brown eyes, who turned and smiled at me slightly awkwardly before glancing at the other man. "-and Phil." Mark gestured to the other man, jet black hair and blue eyes sparkling. He smiled widely and gave me a small wave.

"Dan here is a new bartender and Phil is a new costume designer for the dancers. Could you do me a favor and show them around the building? Show them where everything is?" I nodded, smiling at both of the men.

"After I need to speak with you, okay?" Mark turned and hurried off, leaving me with Dan and Phil. I turned and gestured for them to follow. After a moment they did.

"So what brings you guys to L.A?" I ask as we leave the back room and into the main room with the stage and tables.

"I guess we were just looking for something different." Dan stated. He had a British accent, and the way that he carried himself kind of reminded me of Christopher Robin from Winnie the Pooh. I looked over at the two, noticing that they were looking at each other. Phil was smiling softly, almost shyly at Dan. Dan reached up, brushing some of Phil fringe away, gazing into his eyes. Phil was slightly pink, his pale skin flushed with color. That's when I noticed the gold ring that adorned Dan's ring finger.

I looked down to see that Phil had an identical ring on his hand. They looked like promise rings. I hated to ruin their moment, but I wanted to get on with the tour. I cleared my throat dramatically, making them jump apart, guilty.

"You guys are cute." I chuckled as Dan's cheeks turned red and Phil's blush deepened. Their hands were now intertwined, small smiles playing on their lips.

"T-thanks. No one really supported us back in Manchester."  Phil spoke up this time, his voice slightly higher than Dan's. I gave them a reassuring smile.

"Well, ya chose the right place to work. Everybody here supports each other's relationships. Two of our dancers, Felix and Cry, are together. And then another bartender and one of our costume designers, Alec and Magnus, just got married a few weeks ago." the boys looked relieved at my words, happy that they would finally be supported here.

"Okay, enough sappy shite, here's the main floor." I swept my hand out, gesturing to the large room. Dan eyed the bar, and even though the blue lights were off, the back-lights were still on, illuminating the bottles of alcohol. Phil's gaze went to the stage, surveying the pole and the dark oak wood. He was mumbling under his breath, probably about various costume ideas.

Fifteen minutes later we were done with the tour, and I lead them back to the main room. I turned to them and grinned. 

"Alright! I have to talk to Mark about a few things, but I'll see you guys later. You guys can find you're way out right?" Dan nodded and lead Phil to the door, who in turn waved at me before exiting behind Dan.

Now what did Mark want?

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