Of Knife Tricks and Bipolar Disorder

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Hey everyone, so quick author's note here. So if you don't know what Bipolar Disorder is, it's basically a mental disorder that will leave you happy and feeling great at times and then all of a sudden you can become either really depressed or really violent. Okay, onto the story!

I walked into Hard Love with determination in my steps. Tyler was getting on my last nerves, and Mark needed to know that his Most-Likely-Boyfriend-But-I'm-Not-Sure was threatening one of his employees.

I walked back to Mark's office, and knocked on the door. And that's when I heard it. Moaning. I grew red in the face and took a step back away from the door. A quiet word was spoken, and it sounded like 'Jack'. Like my name.

Oh hell no.... I thought. I backed away further from the door, a hand over my mouth in embarrassment. I turned around quickly and instantly came face to face with Felix.

"Oh, hey. Jack right?" I nodded, knowing that my blush was fading away.

"Yeah. Hey Felix." I smiled, trying to make it seem like I didn't just hear something that my boss was doing.

"I was wondering...Do you maybe wanna go get some dinner together sometime?" He asked. He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, color lighting up his cheeks. I frowned. Since Signe broke up with me, it seems like I fell into this sort of robotic depressed sate. 

"I would love to, but I'm just not really up for it right now, ya know?" I looked at Felix with a sad smile and he nodded.

"Okay, I understand. It just looked like you needed the company." Felix turned to walk away, and I thought about it.

It would be better if you talked to someone. Get your mind off her. I thought.

"W-Wait!" I called after him. He turned around again with a sort of hopeful smile on his face.

"I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea. Sure." With my answer, Felix's eyes lit up with happiness.

"Great! How bout later tonight? I've got nothing going on?" I nodded and grinned.

"Yeah. I'll see you then, I guess?" I asked. He nodded.

"See you then." He turned and walked away, towards the dressing room for the dancers. I walked towards the main doors, away from Mark's office. I left the establishment, towards home. Today was my day off, which was great, because then I'd be able to relax and play some video games. I had just bought a new one, this RPG called Undertale I heard was really good.  I walked home in the surprisingly cooler summer day, not the regular boiling hot that it usually was. 

"Hey! You!" I heard in the distance. Still walking, I turned my head left and right, listening for the voice. Once more, the voice called out.

"Stop!" This one was much, much closer than the other one. I froze, recognizing who's voice it was. Tyler's. I turned around slowly, turning to face the one who threatened me almost a month before. He looked happy, not the terrifying person that he was before.

"Hey! Look, I've been trying to talk to you!" He stopped and smiled kindly. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Have you now?" I asked suspiciously. He nodded.

"Yeah, I've been meaning to apologize about threatening you a month ago. I was really irritated and stressed out and my Bipolar Disorder was freaking out and...I'm just so so sorry." He stopped talking because he was out of breath. 

"Will you forgive me? Please?" I sighed.

He threatened you, but apologized. He could have been the one who sent Signe that picture but you don't know...

I sighed again and turned. The street seemed unnaturally void of cars today, but it happened.

"Fine. But if you do it again, I will not hesitate to call the police, you got it?" He nodded and grinned.

"Awesome. Well, I gotta go okay? Nice talkin' to you." He ran off after that, leaving me wondering why he only wanted to talk to me for only a moment. I turned around and started walking again, this time with slightly hurried steps towards my apartment.

Once there, I went into my apartment and locked the door behind me. 

Tyler's hiding something.


Tada! Another one for you guys! Next one is in the works now, and I couldn't post this one over the break cause apparently my internet decided to give out all week so now it is posted!!!!1!



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