Of Suspicions and Worries

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Tyler apologizing to me worried me almost too much. It almost made me forget my date with Felix. I remembered only several minutes before we were supposed to leave the club for said date, and I had to run to get there on time. I rushed into Hard Love with only a minute to spare, only to have my knees give out and to have to prop myself on a wall.

I took me a while to regain my breath, but when I did I made my way to one of the tables. The club was now closed, and the lights were back on. Off in the distance, I saw Mark talking to Felix. Felix turned his slightly, and he caught sight of me. He jerked his head in a way that meant 'Come over here." And that's what I did. Mark turned to face me as I approached, and a smile lit up his face.

"Hey Jack! What are you doing here? It's your day off, ya know." He said. I grinned and laughed slightly.

"Yeah I'm just here for Felix. We're gonna go get some food or something." As I said this, Mark's smile slowly faded.

"Okay. I guess I'll leave you guys to it then." Mark turned and left, and I felt my heart lurch in sadness that it wasn't him but Felix who I was going on a date with. I turned to Felix with a smile.

"Shall we?" He asked politely. I nodded and followed him out of the club towards the street in front of us. Felix hailed a cab for us, and we both got in after it pulled over.

"Where to?" The cabbie asked gruffly. Cabbies in LA were much meaner than the one's in Ireland.

"The Dollhouse please." ((Melanie Martinez ref am I right?)) I raised an eyebrow in confusion before he chuckled.

"It's a restaurant that just opened up and I heard it was good." I nodded along to his words, quietly taking out my phone and scrolling through my notifications. Nothing new. I closed my phone after that, turning my attention to Felix.

"So Felix, besides working at the club, what do you do?" I asked this politely.

"Well, uh, this may sound kind of silly, but I make YouTube videos." I smiled at this.

"That's cool, what do you do?"

"I play video games. The new ones that come out, some of the old ones. I'm playing this one right now called Amnesia: The Dark Descent. It's really scary." His eyes glittered at the mentioning of video games. It was like he was really really into them.

"That's really cool." I smiled kindly, then turned to look out the window. This part of LA was really pretty at night, lights glowing from the towering skyscrapers. 

It was only a few minutes later when we arrived at The Dollhouse, a classy looking restaurant with an indie-pop sort of feel to it. Felix smiled at me and helped my out of that taxi, then paid the driver.

"Shall we?" we walked inside together, me admiring the decor (picture above). 

"Hello, and welcome to The Dollhouse? Table for two?" Felix nodded to the waitress, who smiled and led us to a booth. "Enjoy." Without another word she left Felix and I alone, but it was no longer the comfortable silence it had been in the taxi.

"You look uncomfortable..." Felix gave me a half smile, seeing through my facade easily.

"...You could tell?" I laughed awkwardly, trying to make it seem as if it wasn't a big deal. 

"You don't have brush this off as if it was nothing, ya know. I only really asked you out so we could talk. Not so we can date." At those words I relaxed, though I didn't know why.


"Look, I just wanna tell you that I can see what's going on between and our boss. I know that it doesn't seem like it, but I can tell." Felix smiled kindly.

"I-I have no clue what you're talking about..." I looked away, feeling even more awkward than before.

"You don't realize it do you? That Mark likes you?" Felix raised an eyebrow, questioning my obliviousness. I shook my head no unsurely.

"Okay, then how about this; next time you see Mark, look at him. Really look. Study his features. And if nothing happens, then you can forget about this. But if I'm right, just remember that what I told you." Felix smiled again, then stood and left. Without eating.

Having lost my appetite as well, I left the restaurant and called a cab for home. The car ride was quiet, only soft piano music playing on the radio. It kind of matched what I was feeling. Lost and confused. Yet I still pushed it to the back of my mind, worrying only of my shift tomorrow at Hard Love. What will happen?



I'm excited, because I was watching the Cringemas stream and OH MY GAHD Jack can fucking sing!!!!! And I swear so many people asked me what was wrong because I had turned beet red and I was giggling like holy fuck I just wanna - now I'm saying this out of complete honesty but don't think I'm crazy- but I just wanna bang him. And Mark. Or die. I haven't decided yet.

But anywhooooo, I'm gonna go start the next chapter now, so 


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