Of Fear and Anxiety

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Ever since Tyler threatened me that day, I was constantly looking over my shoulder. Even when I would hear a small noise in my apartment, I would think that Tyler had broken in. At night while I was at work I would avoid Mark at all costs, even going to the lengths of barely speaking during training lessons. I knew Mark was worried about me, but I couldn't tell him that his maybe boyfriend was threatening.

I was sitting in my living room, at the desk that I had set up. I was playing Shadow of the Colossus for the millionth time since it came out on PC, when suddenly my Skype icon popped up.  I paused the game and clicked on it, Signe's Skype icon visible in the Skype window. I smiled to myself and clicked answer.

"Hi Signe!" I smiled as her video camera feed popped up, revealing tear-streaked cheeks and watery eyes.

"Woah, hey, what's wrong?" I furrowed my eyebrows with worry.

"Why! Why did you do it?!" She yelled at me. I hadn't done anything wrong.

"What?" I asked. She turned and picked up a piece of paper and shoved it at the camera. There was a picture of Mark and I...kissing? Mark and i had never even done anything like that.

"That's not me! I didn't kiss him!" I stated. She sniffed as another tear fell down her cheek.

"Look I know about how you're bi and everything, but that doesn't give you the right to go and kiss someone else!" Fresh sobs erupted from her lips.

"I'm telling you, I didn't kiss him, I swear!" Jack said quietly, trying to calm her down. She looked up with anger in her eyes.

"No. I don't believe you. We're done." She ended the call right there, leaving me with a picture of the colossi Gaius frozen on my screen. I sat there in shock. There was only one thing I could think:

she hates me...

 I felt tears well up in my eyes and one slowly spilled over, sliding down my cheek. I took a shaky breath and I did only one thing; I cried. Loud, ugly sobs cried out in the quiet apartment, hot tears flowed down my cheeks. I loved her, and she had just left me because of some really good Photoshop. How did she even get it anyway? And that's when I realized.


He was the only one that could've done this to me. Make my life living hell, even though I've been keeping away from Mark.

I wiped my tears away, the sadness and pain fading away into burning anger. I had done nothing wrong and obeyed his wishes. This was too far.

You should tell Mark... I thought. I nodded slightly, but then shook my head. There was no valid evidence that Tyler was the one who had done this. So how was I gonna tell Mark?

Jack you dolt, Tyler threatened you!!! My mind screamed at me. I slapped my forehead for idiocy. 

"Okay, okay..Tell Mark. Good idea." I said quietly.

Bye bye Tyler.


Tada! New chapter! Yes, I know a lot shorter than my other chapters, but I just kinda ran out of ideas...

But hey, I'll start working on the next one quite soon! And I'm sorry if they're shorter than when this story first began.


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