Of Pianos and Music

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The next time I saw Mark was three days after my "date" with Felix. 

I walked to Hard Love quickly, braving the chill night that L.A. decided to give us. My arms were crossed in front of me, trying to keep my hands warm. Thankfully, Hard Love isn't that far from my apartment. I rushed inside the club, rubbing my hands together, trying to warm them up. And that's when I heard it. Piano music. It was a soft sound, but I followed it, to on of the back rooms that I haven't been in. The music grew louder, a beautiful melody sounding from the other side of the door I was standing in front of.

I slowly opened the door, trying not to disturb the person who was playing. And there sat Mark, his fingers moving quickly over the keys. It was amazing, the sound carrying throughout the room. It felt like I was somewhere else, a picture forming in my head. Like a leaf falling, or the changing of a season.

The song slowly faded away, leaving Mark sitting there in silence, me standing behind him quietly. I heard Mark sigh, then raise a hand and close the cover on the piano. He stood, and when he turned around-well, let's just say he jumped.

"Sean, hi! Uh, w-what are you doing back here?" Mark was red in the face, blushing from embarrassment.

"That was really good..." I trailed off, what Felix told me popping into my head.

Look at him. Like really look at him.

And so I did. I gazed into his eyes. They were a beautiful chocolate brown that I've ever seen, the light refraction making his eyes look glossier than they were. I felt myself getting lost in them, an endless abyss that would keep me captivated. Okay yes, I was also kinda admiring them rest of him too. Like the way his sweatshirt was very nicely form fitted to his torso, and damn, he has muscles. His jeans fit him well too,  and when he turned around, yes, okay, I may or may not have admired his ass a bit.

"Sean? Where'd you go?" Mark waved a hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my reverie.

"Uh, sorry....." I trailed off, slightly embarrassed that he saw me checking him out. And honestly, it kind of scared me. This fluttery feeling filled my chest, this feeling that I hadn't really ever felt before. It felt as if my insides had turned to mush, as if a butterfly had gotten caught in my chest. My heart had skipped several beats when I gazed into his eyes.

"It's fine...Just admiring me hmmmmm??" Mark said jokingly. Though his laughing manor dropped when my face grew redder, and I dropped my face into my hands. And when I looked up, Mark was red as well.

'"Oh, uh...I was just trying to make a joke...sorry..." As if it couldn't get any more awkward  .

"No, no, it's fine, really..." A slightly uncomfortable silence that left me feeling anxious. I glanced at the piano again, the black glossy paint glinting in the lights. I walked around Mark and sat down on the stool.

"I've always wanted to learn. But my parents could never afford one." I stated softly. I felt Mark sit down next to me, looking at me. I looked at him as well, a soft smile playing on my lips. There it was again. That fluttery feeling in my chest and my stomach like melted butter.

"I could teach you..." He said softly, trying not to break our moment. And then I did something that's probably really, really stupid.

I kissed him.


And that's another one down!!!!

Yes, I know I'm a total asshole because I'm leaving you guys with a cliffhanger.

What do you think Mark's response is?

Find out in the next chapter!!


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