Quick Update! (And A New Book?!)

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Hey guys, sorry that's it's been a while since I've updated. And sorry now for the new update not being story.

So anyways, there's currently a new chapter in the works and should be out within the next few days ((woops just missed the deadline good going past self for promising this)) or so, so yay exciting! Also, there might be a bit of fan service on the way *cheeky wink*

I have a new book out now, called "I'm Done! I'm Just Done." It's a Drarry fic, and it's based on a Tumblr post abut how Draco becomes very rebellious and decides to take his life into his own hands. He basically becomes more like a Muggle Punk character, and he befriends Hermoine (no romance though, so sorry all of you Dramoine shippers). I'm super super excited for this new book, and I hope you all like it! The Prologue is up now, so go and read it if you would like!

Love you all my fellow shippers!

Peace out!

Alrighty, so I'm here, not dead haha. The next chapter is currently in the works, and it's a long one! I'm so sorry for you lovely readers having to wait so long for the next chapter but I promise it'll be good!!! I can't make any promises for the near future of it being out but I can say that it'll be up hopefully before Thanksgiving. I love you all, stay quirky!

Bye bye! (Edit made on 11/01/17)

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