Halloween Special Part 2!!!

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What is up all you guys, gals, and non-binary pals, it's ya girl here back at it again with the second part to the Halloween Special!!!

Was that too much? I'm sorry. My meme-ing has gone too far. 

ANYWAYS! I (being the asshole that I am) rewrote the rest of the Halloween special in January, but I never uploaded it! So now here it is, the finale (hopefully) to the Halloween Special. Enjoy!


"We will be landing in about 20 minutes in sunny Los Angeles. Thank you for flying with Delta air." The pilot's voice sounded in the plane, waking me from the quiet slumber I was trying to enjoy. My ears pop as I pull my earbuds from my ears, stretching slightly and putting them back in my ears. The song Polarize by twenty øne piløts was playing softly, causing me to bob my head to the beat slightly. 

It wasn't long before we landed, and when I felt the wheels hit the landing strip, my nerves struck up in full force. I was in America, because Mark's dark side told me to come "visit". And for what reason, because Mark liked me? Or was it because Dark wanted to prolong his time with Anti? I couldn't really remember anymore, my head spinning with jet lag.

The passengers and I clamber off the plan, all of us obviously exhausted. But I couldn't sleep yet. I needed to get to Mark's house. I turn my phone off airplane mode and watch as my notifications roll in.

15 new messages from Markle Sparkle

Mark: Jack?

Mark: Jack are you there?

Mark: I heard what Dark said to you over the phone

Mark: You better not be coming here

Mark: God dammit ur on ur way already aren't you

Mark: I'll be just a text away when you get here I guess

I bit my lip, scrolling through the rest of the messages, before I decide to give him a call. Might as well ask him for a ride. ((GET READY FOR ALL THE tøp REFERNCES))

He answers on the second ring, his voice laced with sleep as he answers it. I mean, it was 4 in the morning, but still.

"Hello?" Mark yawns into the phone. I smile slightly at the sound of his voice, though i feel guilty for waking him up.

"Um, Mark?" I say quietly. He responds quickly, sounding much more alert than when he first answered.

"Jack? Hey, what's up?" He  asks. I sigh slightly, walking towards baggage claim, following the signs.

"I'm at the airport... Can you come get me? I'm so sorry for waking you up...." I trail off as I turn down a corridor, continuing to follow the signs to get my luggage. It takes a minute for him to reply, and I can hear shifting on the other end.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll come get you. Just wait there, I'll be there in a minute." I agreed and hung up, and upon seeing the dark green suitcase that had my name on it, I tugged it off of the conveyor belt and pulled it behind me to an empty seat to wait.


Almost thirty minutes later I looked up to see Mark running into the room, searching around for me. I smiled and stood up, waving him over. He noticed and ran over to me, engulfing me in a hug not even a split second after he caught up to me.

"Whoa, hey! I missed you too, ya goof." I smiled and returned the hug, burying my face into his shoulder. It was nice, being here with Mark. He always made me laugh and smile, not matter how bad my mood had been that day.

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