Of Beatings and Bruises

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"What are you doing here?" I asked, afraid of him. I guess even after these years of trying to forget him, I never really got over my fear of him. I backed away from the door, only to allow him to come inside. He frowned, looking around my apartment before looking back to me.

"Nice place." He said this with obvious disgust on his face, glancing at the movie and video game posters that hung on the walls. He glances at my computer, his nose wrinkling.

"So this all you do now? Quite a dissappointment, Seany." I frowned at his old nickname for me, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at him.

"Again, what the fuck are you doing here James? I have work in twenty minutes." he rolled his eyes at me and smirked. He came closer to me, causing me to take a fewsteps back before he slapped me.

"Don't talk to me like that, Seany." He grabbed my chin and jerked it up, so that I would look at him. I glared at him before pulling my head away and stepping back.

"If your not going to be civilized I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You shouldn't even be-" He slapped me again, much harder this time. My head jerk to the side, reminding me of when he did this when he was either mad or... Then I realized, but two seconds too soon. The next thing I knew, I was pinned to the ground, James nipping and sucking at my throat. I struggled to break free, to break his hold on me. But I couldn't.

"Let..me..go!!!" I said, trying to pull away from him. My legs were pinned by his, and I could feel his erection through his jeans. Tears started down my face, feeling him rip off my belt and jeans, leaving me in my boxers. I tried struggling again, pulling and twisting, trying to get my hands free. Thankfully, he couldn't get any farther, because someone had knocked on the door. James growled and pulled away, leaving me laying there, half naked and now sitting. I felt weak, like I couldn't stand. His full weight had been pressed onto my legs, leaving them feeling weak and heavy. Like they were dead. James, who looked down at me glared.

"Don't. Move." Fearful of him, I nodded and continued to cry, though watching him slip back into his facade of a smiling, happy man. He opened the door to reveal Mark, who's smile when from happy to curious.

"Uh, hello. I'm looking for Sean?" James smile had turned into a frown, wondering who the hell this person was.

"He just left for work. You are???" James' voice had taken on a sort of repressed anger-like quality, and Mark could tell. Mark's eyebrows furrowed, and he frowned.

"I'm his boyfriend. I guess I'll just go visit him at work then." Mark turned to leave, not before noticing me and glancing back at James. He turned back to James.

"Could I come in for a moment?" Mark asked, trying to be pleasant, but James had had enough.

"No." James slammed the door in Mark's face, locking it and turning back to me. James was seething, his rage barely contained before he stomped to me and dragged me up by the collar of my shirt.

"Really Sean?! You went and got into another relationship?! With HIM?!?!" he pointed towards the door, and I glanced at it, wishing that Mark could just open the door and save me from this monster. Hot tears spilled down my cheeks, afraid as I looked this demon in the face. James grabbed hold of my throat, crushing my windpipe so I couldn't breathe. All I could remember was the time during the hospital, and I wanted to scream for help, but I knew that nobody would hear me.  I tugged and pried at James fingers, gasping for breath, hoping someone would find me. 

I grew weak, just as I did in the hospital. This time there was no button, there were no nurses, it was only me and James. And I was losing consciousness very quickly. Right before I passed out, I saw a look of panic wash over James and feeling him let go of me, letting my body slump to the floor. And then I was gone.

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