Of First Dates and Comfortable Silences

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I knocked on the door to Mark's office, my nerves turning my stomach into knots. What did mark want? Did he want to fire me? What if he wanted to break up? He was there for me during these few weeks with the whole James problem-but what if he hated me now? What if he thought I was annoying? Oh god, what- I was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of Mark's door creaking open. I looked up, a smile forming on my lips at the sight of Mark's ruffled hair and small grin.

"Hey." I said softly, leaning on the door frame. I crossed my arms over my chest, my shoulder resting on the dark wood.

"Hey." Mark responded, his eyes sparkling as he opened the door wider, to let me in. I walked inside, casting my gaze about the room before finally settling on Mark.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked, glancing at Mark's white t-shirt. Obviously nervous, Mark bit his lip.

"I uh, wanted to know if you wanted to.. I dunno, go on a date with me?" a hopeful smile played on Mark lips. Ecstatic, I grinned widely and nodded, causing Mark's chocolate brown eyes to light up. He pulled me into a hug, burying his face in my hair, while I smiled into his chest.

We stood there for a long time, just enjoying each other's presence. It was quiet, no words spoken in our comfortable silence. But we eventually pulled away.

"I'll take you out tomorrow, okay? 7 o'clock?" The club was closed tomorrow, leaving me with a day to wind down and relax. I nodded.

"Okay." Mark kissed my forehead lightly. A soft smile played on my lips as I turned slightly towards the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow Mark. Goodnight." I left the room, leaving the club and making my way home. I crashed then and there, the couch comfortable and warm from the heater.

The next day was a train wreck. I woke up at 6:00 so I was tired all day, my computer broke, and worst of all; MY COFFEE MAKER BROKE. 7 o'clock rolled around too soon, leaving me scrambling. I hastily threw on my red long sleeve and black ripped skinny jeans, hopefully looking presentable enough. The black high-tops came last, the last tie being finished as a knock sounded at the door.

Oh fuck, Mark's here! Shit, fuck! Do I look okay?  I thought. I took a look the the mirror one more time, sighing at my messy hair. I combed through my hair with my fingers as I walked through my apartment to the door. I opened it, revealing Mark, who looked really good. Even though he was wearing a black t-shirt and dark jeans, they fit him well, the shirt tight fitting against his chest.

"Hey Mark." I grinned, excited for our date, hoping it would make my day so much better. Mark smiled in response, his hands behind his back. Before I could ask, he brought his hands out in front of him, revealing a small bouquet of roses. I gasped and smiled at the cheesy gift, reaching out to take them.

"Come in while I put these in a vase, okay?" Mark came in and closed the door behind him, looking around. I went into the open room kitchen that connected to my living room, placing the roses on the counter before crouching down to look for a small vase that would suit the roses nicely. I found it a few moments later, pulling it out and filling it up with water. I put the roses into it, spreading them out to fill the vase. 

"There!" I grinned at Mark, who had come into the kitchen to see what I was doing.

"Are you ready to go?" Mark asked me, bracing his hands against the counter. I nodded. I followed him out the door, locking it behind me and following him. We left the building, and got in the Uber that was parked on the curb.

"So where are we going?" I asked him as the car pulled away. Mark smiled before replying.

"Well, I planned to go to the movies. Then maybe get some dinner?" I nodded and smiled, turning to look out through the window. The city lights blurred as we drove on. Eventually, the Uber pulled up in front of a movie theater,  the name called ArcLight.

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