Of Car Crashes and Ow That Fucking Hurts

881 31 47

Oh god please no.

PLEASE let this be a dream.

I force my eyes open. Something hurts. Badly.

I think it might be on my left side, but I can't really tell in the hazy blur of emotions that were rushing through my mind. I looked over, blurry making out Mark's slumped form in the set beside me. I had the vague sense that I could feel blood rushing to my head, and knew that our car had flipped.

"Mark?" I croaked out. He didn't respond, and as my eyes grew more into focus I could see he was unconscious. Hesitantly I free my right hand and reached over, brushing his so-called "Floof" out of the way, hoping and praying that he was okay. I felt his breath on my fingers as he exhaled. Okay, good, he was breathing.

I was focused on trying not to move too much, hoping that no gas was leaking out that could cause damage and possibly kill us. 

Not even a minute later I heard loud sirens and saw flashing lights. A shadow moved in front of the front-view mirror.

"Hello?! Is anyone in there?!" I heard a voice call out.

"Yeah!" I responded. At my call the shadow moved over to my door and suddenly a loud piercing sound echoed throughout my eardrums. They were wrenching the door off. It's so loud.

"Alright, we're gonna get you guys out of here, okay?" A fireman cuts the seat-belt, freeing me from it's confinements. I look over and see that their doing the same to Mark. Oh please let him be okay.

We're moved to an ambulance, Mark unconscious in a stretcher and me limping beside him. His leg seems to be at an odd angle and I realize that it's probably broken. That's gonna hurt like a bitch when he wakes up.


The ride to the hospital seemed to go on forever. I can't handle the sounds for too long. Paperwork has been sitting in my hands for the past few minutes, the paramedics possibly hoping to get some information before we go in. I began to fill out my form, pausing only for a moment at the gender section before glancing at Mark and proceeding to continue filling out the forms. 

I was just glad that Mark was gonna be okay. There seemed to be no head injury and no swelling, in any vital organs, and his leg was the only thing wrong. But we still had to go. Whoopee.

I always hated hospitals. I have no clue why, it's just the fact that the sterile decaying smell always disturbed me and made me want to keep my distance.

I see the hospital as we pull up. St. Mungo's. Huh. okay.

We go in, Mark checked into a room with me following a young doctor to be checked out before I go see him.

"So is that fellow a friend of your's?" He glances at me, a questioning look before he gazes ahead at the hallway.

"He's my boyfriend." I state quietly, walking beside him. The limp has faded, just a tad bit of soreness, like I just ran a mile.

"Oh, okay. Well, we'll make sure everything's okay with you and then you can go and join him." With a smile he held open a door for me, to which I stepped inside and sat on the reclining doctor chair thingy. What were those even called anyways?

"Alright, can you take of your shirt for me so I can check for breathing and heartbeat?" I sigh and slowly shred myself of my dress shirt. My tux jacket had been destroyed in the crash, so there was no reason to hang onto it. 

There I sat, waiting for the usual badgering I get from the doctors. Why are you wearing this? Are you one of those...transgender people? It's fine, just curious. But instead I get a polite smile and a cold stethoscope pressed to one of my shoulder blades.

"Alright, take deep breathes please." I do as I'm told. He listens for a time and then moves to my chest and listens to my heart.

"Alright, everything sounds good. Is there any pain?" I shrug at his question and gesture to my leg.

"A bit sore. Hey, can I put my shirt back on now?" He nods and I put it back on, buttoning it as he examine my leg.

"Nothing too bad, just some slight muscles tears. It'll heal in a couple of days, just like after a day of exercising. Now let's go check on your boyfriend, alright?" He leads me down the hall, where Mark is now awake. His leg is elevated and it seems that his leg has already been set in place properly.

"Hey Jack." He brightens at the sight of me, smiling lightly. I give a small grin in return and move over to the side of his bed.

"How are you doing, love?" I ask. I know he's most likely in pain from his leg, but I know he'll be okay.

"I'm doing okay. Gonna have some nasty bruises though. The doctor kept muttering 'if you hadn't worn your seatbelt'." he chuckled and shook his head.

"How are you though? All good?" he asks. I nod, smiling lightly. Thank goodness we weren't injured badly. one of could've gotten Amnesia, or worse, died.

"That's good. As you can tell I've broken out of my funk from Daniel." He tries to chuckle and pass it off but i can tell it still hurts.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I mean, it still hurts, but I've been shutting you out and I need to stop doing that."

"Yeah probably."

We're silent for a few moments.

"Hey guess what?" Mark turns to me with a shy smile.


"I love you." I'm taken aback by those three little words, but I can't help smiling.

"I love you too, ya goof."





woops had caps lock on.

anyways, wow, non-stereotypical car crash and both of them are happy at the end?! how crazy is that?!

Just wanted to give you guys an update cause my insomnia has been acting up and what a better time to use it than to give you guys a new chapter!

Come hang out on my blog if you guys have the time!

it's braindeademotions.blogspot.com

come say hi, if you want. you don't have to though, I just thought I'd create a safe space for LGBT+ member's and for people who just really like random stuff. Okay, enough of my rambling. 


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