Of Tension and Twists

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The dream lingered in my mind as I walked to work. I tried as hard as I could to get it out of my mind, but it just wouldn't stop resurfacing. Various things would remind me of it, from seeing couple making out outside of clubs, walking past tables. It all got to me. And by the time I had arrived at the club, I had a problem.

I pushed open the door, and walked in carefully. It was starting to cause me slight pain, and I didn't want anyone to see me limping. And that was when I looked up and saw Mark.

He stood there grinning, waiting for me. I smiled slightly back, but felt a jolt in my jeans. He was wearing a dark red and black flannel, and dark jeans. They fit him really well.

"Are you ready for today's lesson?" He asked, smiling and jumping up to sit on the stage. My smile grew wider and I nodded.

"Yeah." I stated.

"Well, get up here then." he patted the stage next to him, and smiled slightly. I walked cautiously to the edge of the stage and in one fluid movement, jumped onto the stage. My knee thudded on the wood, causing a sharp pain to shoot up my left knee.

"Ah!" I cried out, gripping my knee. Mark rushed over to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I looked up at him and his  face was close to mine.

"Yeah." I whispered, the music in the background fading away to the sound of just us two.

"Good. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you." He replied whispering as well. He smiled slightly, and i felt another jolt in my jeans. I felt my eyes widen and I jerked back from him. I stood up quickly and dusted off my jeans.

"Don't worry, it's just my clumsy self..." I trailed off, looking at Mark as he stood up.

Damn, he looks good in those jeans. I bit my lip softly, and that's when he looked up. He raised an eyebrow.

"What?" He asked curiously. He slowly strode over to  where I stood and raised my face slightly with his hand under my chin.

"N-Nothing..." I stuttered. I pulled back and looked down at my feet.

"Do you want to train?" I looked back up at him, and followed his gaze to the pole that was next to him.

"Y-Yeah, can you just gimme a second?" He nodded to my question and I leaped off the stage towards the bathroom that was in the back. I slammed the door shut and locked it, not wanting him  to walk in  here. I sat down on the ground farthest from the door, the tile on the wall cold against my skin, barely separated by a thin shirt. I pressed the back of my head to the wall behind me, feeling the cold room draw the heat from me. It didn't help my problem though.

Just why did he have to get so close to me?! I screamed in my head. I was breathing too hard, and the throbbing was killing me.I needed to take care of this...But I don't want him to hear.

I unbuttoned my pants, relieving some of the pressure that was constricting me. I sighed.



Yep, I'm an asshole and I'm leaving you with a cliff hanger... :P

But hey! I was feeling a lot better today so I was like 

"You know what fuck it let's update" So here it is!!! Even though its a cliff hanger

Love you all!!!


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