Of Funerals and Work to Do

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Daniel's funeral was on a Saturday. It was cloudy, borderline raining, making the day seem more depressing than usual. No, not depressing... I shouldn't use that word. Today was too much to put into a single word such as depressing. The sky wasn't just a depressing grey, it was a dark color that swirled with anticipation of a downpour. As if the almighty Zeus himself was saddened by the loss of Daniel. The dog that was down the street from my apartment that barked constantly was unusually quiet today, as if it too had realized that a great person had gone.

Since Mark had found out, he had been holed up in his house. I would go over to his place and comfort him after my shift at Hard Love, making sure he was eating something before he lapsed back into his stupor of loss and sadness. Daniel had meant a lot to him, but I knew that he wouldn't want Mark to be this way. So each day I would go over and try to coax Mark out of his state of mind, trying to make his see the light again instead of just the dark.

So when today came along, I helped Mark dress in a suit, and drove him to where the wake would be, all without speaking a word. He looked like he hadn't had a lot of sleep since he found out, and it was starting to worry me. He just seemed so... drained. The bags under his eyes were dark, and his eyes were barely open from exhaustion. The original bright chocolate brown were a dull, murky brown now. I sighed, focusing on the road ahead of me. After a while Mark spoke up.

"Jack?" He said quietly, looking at me from where he sat in the passenger seat. I glanced over at him.


"I'm sorry for...not being very....I dunno, happy I guess? It's just hard." Mark scratched at his left arm awkwardly before turning to look out the window. I smiled sadly over at him before reaching a hand over to intertwine it with his.

"It's okay, angel. It's gonna be alright though. I'm still gonna be here for ya, okay?" Mark nodded and continued to gaze out the window, watching the lights of the other cars flicker by as we passed them.

Too soon the car drive was over, and we sat in silence, gazing up at the sign to the cemetery. 

St. Peter's Cathedral and Cemetery

I sighed, looking over to Mark to see how he was doing. He seemed to have grown gloomier at the cemetery, probably wishing he was at home.

"Are you okay?" I asked, stroking the top of his hand with my thumb. Mark looked at me slowly, sighing and shaking his head softly.

"No, not really." Mark sighed again and looked out the window once more. I could see the dread in his expression, his lack of wanting to go and see his friend lying a coffin.

"We don't have to do this right now, angel. You know this, right?" I asked. Mark simple nodded, reaching over opening the door and stepping out. I followed him out of the car, moving toward him and looping my arm with his.

"I have to do this...for him." Mark stated quietly, beginning the trek to where the service would be held.


All too soon the service was over, passing in a blur. Matt and Ryan had given a speech about Daniel, and though Mark was asked to give one, he couldn't. He was in a constant state of being on the verge of tears.

On drive home was when he had finally broken down and cried.

"Oh god, why!? Why did it have to be Daniel?!" he sobbed. I reached over and rubbed his back slightly, listening to his cries of heartbreak and loss. It hurt, seeing someone I cared so much for grieving so much. Soon enough I was welling up as well, hoping that we could get home quicker. The downpour had begun as well, slanting sideways and horribly blocking the road.

"It's gonna be okay Mark, I promise."

Too soon someone had swerved and I heard a sickening crunch.


Guess who's back

Back again

Guess who sucks

That'a me

sorry guys

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