《 the cinema 》

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Marinette raced down the stairs to find her best friend, Alya, standing at the counter of the bakery her mother and father own. "Hey girl!" Alya greeted, "You will not guess who I saw walk into the movies!"




"Yeah, I also got a glimpse of what movie he went for." Alya started to walk out of the bakery to find Marinette standing still, frozen in time. "Are you coming or what?" Alya asked, impatience all over her features. "Come on. Nino is with him. Let's go!" Alya waved her arms dramatically towards the door leading out to the busy streets of Paris.

Seeing her best friend blush as she revealed the last piece of information, Marinette smiled and called to her mother, "I'm going to the cinemas with Alya, Mum!"

"Okay, sweetie. Be careful."

Marinette and Alya raced out of the bakery and towards the cinemas.

The two girls stood in the cue anxiously. I wonder if we can skip all of these people? Marinette thought. "What movie are they seeing?" She asked.

"One of the horror ones." Alya answered.

Marinette shivered. I hate horror movies! But for Adrien, I'll watch it.

Once the two girls paid for their tickets, they raced into Cinema Three and sourced out the only two seats available. And guess what? They were next to Adrien and Nino!

"Yes!" Marinette breathed.

The two friends squeezed though the rows and rows of seats until they reached their crushes. "Hey guys." Alya, being the confident one, greeted. The boys greeted back. "Do you mind if we sit here?" Alya asked.

"Of course not!" Nino smiled at Alya as he patted the seat next to him.
Alya sat down.

The cinema universe obviously blessed the meeting of the four teenagers because the only seat left was right next to Adrien.

Marinette sat down eagerly. "H-hi." She greeted.

"Hey." Adrien smiled. "You like horror movies?"

"No." Marinette answered, "Alya l-likes them, and she won a b-bet, so here I am! Watching a horror movie." She visibly shuddered.

Adrien laughed, and her heart felt giddy, going a hundred kilometers an hour.

The movie was basically about a ski-masked figure with a hook for a hand, chasing down his victim for something which he wishes to seek revenge of.

Halfway through the movie, when the main character was asking - no, demanding - for answers on where his victim was, a commotion started. "What the hell are you doing next to my girlfriend?" A booming voice sounded out through the room.

It was like the movie stopped altogether. Everybody turned towards the person who shouted. Some people shushed him and turned back towards the screen, while others told the shushers to keep quiet and kept there eyes on the real-life scene displayed before them.

"Oh, Ivan. What are you doing here?" Mylene asked.

"What are you doing sitting next to my girlfriend?" Ivan demanded. Max sat in his chair, shaking next to Mylene. He was terrified.

"It isn't what you think, Ivan. Max is my friend."

"That's what everybody says when they're caught." Ivan said, getting ready to knock the stars out of Max's genius head.

He pulled his arm back, ready and full of force when some of the employees at the cinema pulled Ivan away.

Max still shaking in his seat.



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