《 he sure did 》

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Marinette's eyes fluttered open, once again. She smiled at the sight of Adrien sleeping. Then freaked out. She was here at the hospital as Ladybug. Does Adrien know who she is?

"Tikki!" Marinette whisper-yelled.
Tikki opened her eyes and smiled sleepily at her. "Hi Marinette. Are you feeling any better?"
"My head still hurts." Marinette rubbed her head sorely, "Why's Adrien here?"

Tikki smirked at Marinette, like she knew something that Marinette didn't. "He's Cat Noir." Tikki revealed.

The breath went out of Marinette and she coughed so hard that she woke Adrien up from his peaceful slumber.

Marinette watched as Adrien screwed his fist into his eye and smiled sleepily at her. "How are you feeling?" He asked.
"U-uh. B-b-better."
Adrien smiled and smoothed Marinette's hair down which caused Marinette's cheeks and neck to flush bright red.

"Maybe soon you'll be able to help me stop the Ticket Master. You know, give it another shot." Adrien suggested, and kissed Marinette on her forehead. Marinette mouth made a small 'o' shape as she stared at Adrien in surprise.

Adrien smiled down at Marinette before he looked at his watch for the time. His lips went into a thin line before he said, "I really would love to stay with you, but, I've got school."
"It's okay." Marinette said softly.
Adrien smiled at Marinette and then at his kwami. "Plagg, claws out!"
I'm guessing his kwami's name is Plagg.
Her beloved Adrien transformed into the beautiful black cat she laughed with, she talked with. The black cat she made fun of.
She smiled as he walked out of the room.
"Wait!" Marinette yelled.
Cat Noir turned around and walked back to Marinette standing at her bedside. "How long have I been in here?" she asked.
"You stayed last night, and I persuaded Alya to tell your mum that you were having a sleep over at her house."
"Oh. Okay. Thanks for staying with me."
"Anything for my Princess." Cat Noir kissed Marinette on the cheek.
Marinette blushed.
"I'll see you after school today." He called.
Marinette nodded as he slipped out of the door, closing it behind him.
"Tikki? What just happened?"
Tikki giggled. "I believe the love of your life proved his love for you."
Marinette smiled.
He sure did.



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