《 back to normal 》

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A few days later, Marinette, Adrien, Alya and Nino found themselves sitting in the same row and seat numbers they were in before all of this mess had begun.

Marinette craned her neck to see over the gigantic head in front of her. Her eyes searched for the cinema screen, but instead found Ivan, Mylene as well as Max, sitting next to each other.

When Ivan detransformed from being The Ticket Master, Mylene rushed up to him and hugged him tightly, not wanting to ever let him go.

Ivan soon found out that Mylene and Max were just friends and that Mylene would never betray Ivan like that.

Marinette smiled at the sight of Ivan's arm wrapped loosely around Mylene's shoulders.

At least everything is back to normal. Well, almost normal.

Adrien now knows that she is Ladybug. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

Alya and Nino finally know who their favourite superheroes are and help Marinette and Adrien escape whenever and Akumatised victim is on the loose.

I guess somethings are meant to change while other things stay the same.

"It's pretty cool how the manager is playing the movie again for us because a certain villain interrupted the viewing, aye?" Adrien whispered in Marinette ear.

She blushed at the warmth of his breath and nodded, "It is really cool. Though, I'm sort of freaked out about that ski-masked person in the movie. Mostly because it sort of took us to Ancient Egypt."
Adrien laughed, "You're safe. But if you feel scared, you can always cuddle up to me." He offered, taking a hold of her hand.
She laughed, "I might have to take you up on that offer."

Marinette glanced over at Alya.

Who was smirking right back at her, wiggling her eyebrows in amusement.

Marinette rolled her eyes, which then landed on Alya's and Nino's hands. Interlocked. It was all Marinette could do to not gasp.

Alya blushed, not moving her hand away from Nino's. "Is there something going on here that I don't know about?" Marinette whispered.
"I have absolutely, positively no idea whatsoever on what you're talking about."
"Seems like it." Marinette smirked.

The girls' conversation earned a 'sshhh!' from the boys beside them. They tried to stifle their giggles.

The screen came to life showing the first 30 minutes of the film the audience had already watched and then continuing on with the rest of the movie.

Instead of Marinette clutching into Adrien's hand for dear life, Adrien was clutching onto Marinette's, squeezing the life out of it. "And here I was," Marinette mused, "thinking that you were going to be the tough one."
Adtien didn't respond. This made Marinette laugh.

It was good to finally be laughing. After the scariness and foriegness of the time she spent in Ancient Egypt, she welcomes the strange jokes and stupid cat puns Cat Noir pulls. She welcomes the rudeness of Chloe, somehow missing it's occurrence for the 'hours' she was gone.

Everything is back to normal. She was in Paris and she was safe.

She would just like it to stay that way.



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