《 conversation between alya and cat noir 》

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(After the Akuma attack)

Alya looked everywhere for her best friend at the cinemas after Ladybug was crushed. But she couldn't find her. She was starting to think that Marinette was caught by the Ticket Master and was sent into non-existence.

And since the Akuma wasn't caught, she wouldn't be freed yet.

All of a sudden, Cat Noir jumped from the roof of the cinema, looking around at the damage that was caused. "Cat Noir!" Alya called.

The superhero spun around, directing his attention to the source of the voice. "Oh, hey Alya." He said coolly.

"You know my name?" she asked, suspiciously.

"Yeah, you're the creator of the Ladyblog, right? I read it all the time."

"Really? You do?!" Alya nearly shrieked,

He nodded, "Ladybug does, too."

This time, Alya shrieked out of pure joy, jumping up and down. Then she scowled at herself for getting side-tracked.

"Have you seen Marinette?" she asked quickly, "I can't find her, I've been looking everywhere!"

Cat Noir looked stunned, What the hell do I say? He asked himself.
"Uh, um, yeah, I have seen her."

"Oh, good. Where is she?"

"That's the thing." He started, "She's, um, afraid of... getting caught by the Ticket Master, so... she's hiding. That's right, she's hiding. She asked me to ask you if you'd cover up for her? Say that she's sleeping over at your house? She doesn't want her parents to know where she is." he suggested.

"Oh. Okay." Alya, didn't like his tone of voice, it sounded like he just made something up from the top of his head... which funnily enough, is exactly what he did. "But, she's okay, yeah?" Alya asked.

The black clothed superhero nodded his head vigorously, his blonde hair moving up and down hastily, "Yeah, she is fine. She's just scared."

"O-okay." Alya said. Hmm... something's up. And I'm going to find out what.

She agreed to cover up for Marinette and walked out of the cinemas towards her house where Marinette was meant to be sleeping over.


Oh my god! This chapter was so hard to write! I hope you like it.

Any feedback is much appreciated.



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