《 the reason 》

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Marinette was devastated at first. He knows who I am. He knows who I am. He knows who I am.

They were the only words which were able to be processed in her mind. The thought of this tired her and she went back to sleep again before the nurse came back with the chocolate chip cookies for Tikki.

Tikki munched on the cookies hungrily and appreciatevly.

Cat Noir transformed back into his alter ego, Adrien, and looked at Marinette dreamily.

She was there, right by my side for so long. I was so close to kissing her when we were shooting that film for an assignment. I was so close to kissing Ladybug.

Adrien moved close to Marinette's bedside. Thank god no bones were broken. There was only really severe bruising and cuts.

When Adrien - or rather, Cat Noir - saw the light post fall on top of Ladybug, due to The Ticket Master's determination to get free of that net, pulling and tugging on the pole, he was so angry. He was so furious. He was so...heartbroken.

The Ticket Master was the reason why Ladybug was in the hospital, he was the reason why she was hurt. He was the reason why Adrien skipped school.
Father would love that. Thought Adrien, smirking to himself, knowing his father hated him going to a public school rather than having Nathalie tutoring him.

The Ticket Master was the reason why everything had changed.



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