《 three hundred and ninety two years 》

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Ladybug looked at the silhouette of the Pharoah. Something seemed really off about him. Why wouldn't he face us? Why wouldn't he show us his face to make sure that we know the person who is in charge?

Something seemed very wrong.
She sent Cat Noir a look and he sent one back. He was thinking the same thing. "Are they here?" The Pharaoh's deep voice reverberated throughout the high ceilings and large walls.

It seemed familiar. A bad familiar. "Yes, brother." Moses answered.

If you were thinking that the Pharaoh would turn around a greet them, you are terribly wrong. Its almost as if he doesn't want to be seen. "Ladybug, Cat Noir." He started, his deep voice sending chills down Ladybugs spine, "Its a pleasure to have you back in Egypt. From my memory, you have disappeared from Egypt for four hundred years."
"Three hundred and ninety two years, to be exact." Moses jumped in.

Ladybug smiled at the kind man, "Uh, yes. We have been... busy, with other things."
"What has brought you back to us?" The Pharaoh asked, his voice almost haunting.
"Just a check up on this place." Cat Noir started, "After being away for so many years-"
"Three hundred and ninety two, to be exact." Moses jumped in again.
Cat laughed and then continued, "we thought we should just see how things are over this side of the world."
"Is that so?" Ramses said, his smile evident in his voice.
"Yes." Ladybug said definitely.

They could see Ramses silhouette nodding his head. "I would love if you joined me for dinner tomorrow night." He said, "We're preparing a banquet for you."
"Uh, sure." Ladybug replied.
"We'd love to." Cat added.

And that was the last word which came out of Ramses mouth for the night.



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