《 what didn't you do? 》

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Cat Noir seemed tense. Like angry tense. Ladybug glanced over at him and saw him glaring at Moses whose face was red and embarrassed.

She nudged Cat, getting his attention almost immediately. She raised a questioning eyebrow at him and he smiled brilliantly. What did he do this time? She thought.

He shrugged his shoulders seeing her expression and she looked over at Moses, his eyes were trained on his plate of food. She sighed. "What did you do?" She whispered towards Cat.

His face was shocked, "What made you think I did something?"

"He's looking embarrassed and you were glaring at him."

"Why do you care about him so much, eh?"

Ladybug leaned back, away from Cat's wrath. His voice was angry, and his eyes gleamed with... betrayal.
Betrayal. From what?

Cat noticed Ladybug's movement and his eyes turned sad. She moved away. Away from him. Didn't that hurt? His chest constricted and it was suddenly hard to breathe.

Cat Noir stood up to leave. He needed fresh air.

Jumping from pyramid to pyramid, he found himself landing ungracefully and heavily; he was weighed down with emotion. His face was wet until he realized he was crying.

He couldn't hear the insistent calls behind him.

"Cat!" Ladybug yelled, using her yo-yo to grab onto fixtures, trying to catch up to Cat. He either couldn't hear her or he was ignoring her. She didn't like the thought of him ignoring her.
Is he mad? Is he upset?

She racked her brain for reasons on why he was running away, but she couldn't come up with any.

Cat landed heavily on the Great Sphinx, where he and Ladybug were earlier. He heard footsteps behind him and turned around to see who it was.


He wanted to smile, but his heart hurt too much and he couldn't bear it. He looked up at his partner's worried and confused face. Her features were so gentle in the moonlight. She spoke softly, "Cat, what's wrong?"
"You like him, don't you?" His voice came out angry and harsh. He immediately regretted the tone when he saw Ladybug flinch away.
"What?" She asked.
"You like him, don't you?"His voice was harsher, but he couldn't help himself.

If Ladybug liked Moses, this guy she met two days ago, he didn't know what he'd do. Ladybug has known Cat for a whole year, now, and the fact that she could like someone who she just met and not him, it hurt.
"In what way?" She asked, "As a friend, sure. But nothing more." She stated, "Why do you think I liked him like that?"
Cat shrugged, feeling stupid to think that someone as intelligent as Ladybug would give her heart away so easily. "You were defending him. Asking what I did." He mumbled.
"He looked embarrassed. I was just wondering why he was. And it seemed like you were the one who brought it on. He didn't want to meet your gaze. Or mine, for that matter. So..." she trailed off, "What did you do."
"Nothing." The word came out too fast and it drew more suspicion towards him.
"Alright. What didn't you do?" Ladybug smiled.
"I didn't beat him up like I should've." Cat admitted unable to control his anger.
"What did he do?"

Cat's face went red. Now he was the one who was embarrassed. Ladybug smiled. "Come on. Now you have to tell me."
He smiled awkwardly, "Uh, he um... he..."
"Oh, just spit it out!"
"He looked over at you."
"So?" Ladybug asked.
What's so wrong with that?

"He doesn't just want to be your friend, Mari." Cat said, using her alter-egos name instead of 'Ladybug'.
His voice was quiet and small, his eyes trained on his hands placed in his lap.

Ladybug was stunned. And then she shook her head, smiling. "Aww... Kitty. You're jealous?" She peered around him, putting her face in his line of sight so she could she his eyes.

The bright green orbs flicked away from her bright blue ones as soon as they connected. Ladybug put her hand up to Cat Noir's cheek, making him look at her. "Nothing will ever go on between Moses and me. Besides he's destined to be with that girl who was manhandled into the gathering. You know, the one he finds in the desert when he runs away?"

Cat's eyes flicked to hers finally, and he smiled. Ladybug sat up and Cat's gaze followed her. It was too dark to see Cat properly from the distance Ladybug was at now, but she could feel how near he was.

She felt his hand brush against her cheek, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. He leaned in slowly, giving her enough time to run away and hide.

But she didn't want to.

She started to lean in as well, and when their lips touched, it was like they were floating.

Ladybug pulled away quickly, opening her eyes. A sigh of relief escaping her lips. "What's wrong?" Cat's voice was filled with confusion, his face etched with rejection.
"Nothing. I just thought we were back in that freaky white space, you know, floating."
"You had that feeling too?" He asked and she nodded her head.
He smiled a gentle smile, "We're safe. Well, as much as we can be in Ancient Eygpt."
Ladybug laughed and she felt his hands at her sides.

She squealed as he pulled her on top of him, laying on top of the head of the Sphinx. He brought his lips to hers gingerly and then pulled away slowly.

She laid her head down on his chest and his arms stayed wrapped around her waist. They laid like that for ten minutes, looking up at the beautiful starry night sky, not a care in the world about the banquet or Moses.



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