《 uh-oh 》

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Ladybug was stunned. Actually, that's an understatement. She was absolutely, positively dumbfounded.

Cat Noir's hands held her waist gently, and his blond hair tickled her forehead. Realization kicked in. And like Marinette's pull towards Manon's cute little puppy eyes, she couldn't resist. She kissed Cat back softly. One arm circled itself around his neck, while another cupped his cheek.

She couldn't even describe the kiss if she wanted to. It was definitely something out of this world. It felt like she was floating, but she didn't move away this time.

Even though she was so engulfed into the kiss, she could feel almost a hundred pairs of eyes on her and Cat. When her partner pulled away to get some air, she expected him to pull away completely, flabbergasted and horrified at what he had just done.

She expected him to regret it.

Though, he didn't. He stayed close, leaning his forehead against hers, smiling happily. It was the best thing he had ever done.

Ladybug's earring's beeped in warning, "I gotta go." she whispered.

Cat started to protest, "But-"
"I have to go to." she whispered, smiling. "I'll see you soon."

She kissed his lips one last time, hastily, and threw her yo-yo, making it latch onto a fixture which adorned most of the buildings around this part of town. Cat Noir looked on as Ladybug sped away, smiling.

He took off into the direction of the Agreste Mansion, using his extendable stick as a means of transport. Nothing could make his mood fall.


Alya was following Ladybug, seeing the red clothed heroine zoom towards a familiar part of town.

Alya couldn't believe what she just saw! Ladybug and Cat Noir kissed! All her dreams finally came true! She has been a Ladynoir shipper for a while now, and just seeing it happen made her whole day better.

Ladybug seemed to be happy about it and Alya was following her to see if she could get an interview for her Ladyblog. Alya kept on following Ladybug down the streets and roads, trying her best to keep up to the fast paced heroine running on roofs.

Ladybug landed on top of Marinette's house.


Alya zoomed up the stairs of the famous bakery, waving a quick 'hello' to Sabine and Tom, trying to be quiet. She heard Marinette's voice through the door.

She never did like snooping around Marinette, but its what a good reporter has to do. "Oh my God, Tikki! We're finally back! It's such a damn relief. I wonder how much time has passed. I mean, it felt like we were in Egypt for a long time."

Egypt? Alya thought, Marinette went to Egypt? In a few hours? That's not even possible!

"I know Marinette!" a sweet, high-pitched voice said, "And you seem to have gotten a little present for your return!"

Marinette laughed. "Tikki, please stop!"
"No." this 'Tikki' said, "You guys are so cute! I told you Cat Noir would like the girl behind the mask."

Cat Noir? Mask? Wait! You don't mean...?

"I was afraid that he would only like me because I'm Ladybug..." Marinette continued on with her rant about why she thought Cat Noir would only like her because she's Ladybug, but Alya didn't hear the rest.

She gasped audibly.

Marinette froze stopping the train of vocalized thought.

Uh-oh, the disguised hero thought, This can't be good.


Hey, guys!

Thanks for reading this, I know it's sort of short but, I wanted to leave you guys on a cliffhanger. Hope you enjoy!!!

See-ya guys soon!

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