《 never in the world 》

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The room surrounding Marinette was almost black and she wondered if her eyes were open or not. She blinked a few times. She was definitely awake.

Marinette rolled over in the bed, wondering where her phone was until she felt a warm smooth object beside her. That's a rather large phone. Her groggy state affected her thoughts.

And then she felt bumps.

She pulled her hand away hastily. She saw a silhouette; though the sunlight coming through the cracks of the brick blocks didn't shed enough light on the figure for her to recognise it.

Then the figure's head moved to face her. The white of it eyes gleaming back at her. "Hello, Princess." A familiar voice greeted, still etched with sleep.

Marinette recognised the voice almost immediately. "Hi, Kitty." Marinette smiled, rolling into the warmth of Adrien's arms.

They laid like that, Adrien's head resting on top of Marinette's, for a while until the sun breaking through the cracks of the brick blocks became brighter. Marinette sighed and looked around. "We're in Egypt, aren't we?" she asked, as realisation struck her. She got up out of Adrien's arm and started to walk around. "We're in a pyramid." she stated, running her hands along the stone walls.

Adrien replied, "Yep." He sat up and started to stretch out the kinks in his back. He missed his bed back in the Agreste mansion.

Marinette snuck glances at Adrien, smiling to herself. Never in the world, would I have thought that I'd see Adrien waking up in front of me.


I know this is hella short, but I'm gonna try and update another one today. If not, you know I will be doing the massive pile of homework my teachers gave me. Yay! (Not.)

Just you wait and see the drama and cat fights I have for you! *smirk*

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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