《 the reveal 》

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Adrien walked up the steps of College Francoise Dupont hastily, hoping to see Marinette before class starts. But, as usual, she was late. He sighed and went for the alternative. Nino.

"Hey dude." Nino greeted as he saw his best mate walk up towards him, "What happened to you yesterday, man? In Math class the Ticket Master showed up and everybody ran out of the class. I tired looking for you, but I didn't find you. And your phone was turned off. You never have your phone turned off." Nino paused, "Did you have like a photoshoot or something?"

Come on Adrien. This is the time to tell him. Adriens brain encouraged him.

"Uh, actually Nino. I uh, need to tell you something. Can we go somewhere private?"

Nino was confused. Adrien seemed tense. Something was up and Adrien was finally trusting Nino with the truth.

Nino and Adrien walked into the hushed library. They hid behind some of the bookshelves. "I don't know how you are going to take this. But please, I beg you, don't scream."
Nino laughed, "Just spit it out, man."
Adrien took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.
"I'm Cat Noir."

Nino was shocked, and then his eyes narrowed. "No you're not. You're too busy to be Cat Noir."
"Sometimes those 'photoshoots' I go to is being Cat Noir and defeating and Akumatised victim."
Nino still didn't believe him.

He respected Adrien and everything, but this just seemed too big of a secret that Adrien could be joking about. "I need proof." Nino deadpanned.
"What kind of proof?"
"Transform into Cat Noir. Now."
Adrien looked around the bookshelf, making sure no one would see him transform.

If its what he had to do for Nino to believe him, and for him to finally let the truth out to his best friend, then it's what he'd do.

"Plagg, claws out!"

An audible gasp sounded for Adrien's side.
"You really are Ca-!" Nino exclaimed.
Cat hastily cupped a hand over Nino's mouth. "I don't need the whole of Paris to know!" Cat whisper-yelled.

"Sorry." Nino apologised.
"It's fine." Cat smiled, "But you can't tell anyone."
"What about Alya and Marinette?"
"Mari already knows. You need to speak with her too."
"Just do it."
"Okay." Nino said, "What was that black creature thing?"
"That was a kwami. He is thr source of the powers I have."
"Oh okay." Nino smiled. "I'll go find Marinette." Nino rushed off.

He came back in a few minutes to Cat who had detransformed into Adrien.

Nino was out of breath. "Marinette's not here yet."
"Yeah. She's always late."

"Wait this whole Cat Noir business reminds me of something." Nino sat down next to Adrien again. "Alya was having a full on rant about her seeing a so-called 'Ladynoir' moment."
"Ladynoir? What's Ladynoir?"
"DID SOMEBODY SAY LADYNOIR!?!?" A high pitched scream resounded throughout the supposedly hushed library.

Chloe bounded aroud the corner of the bookshelf to see Adrien and Nino talking. "Uh, yeah. Nino did." Adrien pointed at his best friend, smiling.
"Ooh!! They were so cute yesterday! Did you see them kiss?!?!"
"No but I definitely heard about it." Nino muttered.
Adrien tried to act surprised, for Chloe's sake anyway, "They kissed?"
"Yeah. It was so cute!" Chloe gasped and smiled sweetly. "And speaking of kisses. Remember that agreement we had. That if I'd help Ladybug you'd kiss me?" Adrien regretted agreeing to that agreement the millisecond it came out of his mouth.
Adrien's eyes went wide. I should've just kept my mouth shut. "Uh, no." He said, "I don't remember saying that to you. Ever."
"But, I remember." She said, sitting on his lap and looping her arms around his neck.
Adrien tried to push Chloe away. He turned his face towards Nino. "Help me?" He wheezed out.

The library door opened and shut. "Alya's here!" Nino shouted, earning a glare for the librarian. "How come I get told off when I yell, and Chloe doesn't?"
"Is Marinette here?" Adrien asked Nino, unsucceeding to push Chloe away once more.
"Ugh. Who cares about the klutz."
"I do." Adrien said definitely, standing up, Chloe falling on her behind with a yelp. "Hey Mari." Adrien smiled, circling the bluenette in a hug.
"Hey Adrien." Marinette replied, her face beaming.
"Marinette. Adrien told me that you needed to tell me something?"

Marinette was confused at first and looked at Adrien. After looking at his expression, she clicked to what Nino was talking about and looked at Chloe. "We should go somewhere else and talk about it."

Nino handled the news well, already having the gist of handling big surprises and secrets. "Wait so you and Adrien kissed?"
"Is that all what everybody thinks about?" Marinette laughed, "Yeah we did."
"Did you want to?"
Marinette blushed. "Alright that is a good enough answer for me." Nino laughed.
"Does Alya know?" He asked.
Marinette nodded.
"Do you have one of thowe kwami things?"
Marinette opened her bag and let Tikki out so Nino can see. "Oh my God. Shes so cute."
"Why, thankyou." Tikkis high pitched voice said.

Nino and Marinette joined Alya and Adrin, walking to class. Finally no secrets hidden between them.



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