《 spe-CAT-ular 》

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Did he tell her I'm Ladybug? Marinette thought. No, she would be jumping up and down hysterically if he did.

A relieved sigh escaped her lips. Thank God.

"Why did he ask me to cover for you, when you were 'hiding'?" Alya asked.

Hiding? "I, um," Marinette started.

Why does a person hide? She asked herself, To get away from something? Because they're afraid? Because they're... hiding? Marinette tried to rack her brain for an excuse.
"I was frightened and Cat Noir saw me I asked him to tell you that I'm alright because I knew that you would be worried and that I'll hide from the Ticket Master, afraid that he was going to get me." she said hastily.

She was going on a limb here, hoping that Cat said something along the lines of that.

"But, why couldn't you hide at home?" Alya asked, "He told me to tell your parents that you're sleeping at my house." Alya explained.
"Oh." Marinette said, and started to rack her brain once again. I'm going to strangle that cat.

Alya had her hands on her hips and her foot started tapping on the ground, waiting for Marinette's weak excuse. The thing is she didn't have one, let alone a weak one.

Marinette heard footsteps behind her and she turned around to see who it was. Adrien.

My savior. Thank the Lord Adrien exists.

Marinette found herself smiling at him, appreciatively. "I thought you said you were going to let him go." Alya whispered in Marinette's ear, completely forgetting about the 'why-did-Cat-Noir-ask-me-to-cover-up-for-you' conversation.

"You know it's impossible." Marinette whispered back. "Hey Adrien!" Marinette greeted cheerfully.
"Hey, Marinette. Hey, Alya. What are you guys talking about?"

Marinette internally face palmed. You had to remind her, didn't you? She cursed Adrien silently, wishing now that he didn't exist. (Maybe she should call the Ticket Master?)

Thankfully, Alya was caught up in staring at Nino, who was beside Adrien, oblivious to Adrien's last statement. "Hi, Nino." she said shyly.

Alya is shy? Marinette thought. That's very unusual for her.

"Hey, Alya." Nino replied back, coolly. He was completely oblivious to Alya's blushing state.

"Mari," Adrien started, Oh my God, he called me Mari. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" he finished.

Marinette glanced back at Alya, and she's urging her on - pushing her, in fact - towards Adrien. Alya's push is so forceful that Marinette actually tripped on her shoe and prepared herself to fall flat on the ground until she felt strong hands grip her waist, saving her from a scratched up face. She smiled up at Adrien as he stood her up. She glared at Alya.

Alya rolled her eyes, and waved her hand, gesturing for Marinette to go and leave her alone with Nino.

Adrien and Marinette walk around to a section of the school where they can talk privately. "I got Chloe to agree with the plan. Hopefully it works."
"Yeah, it's the only plan I've got right now. It better work, otherwise we're stuffed."

Adrien chuckled at her wording. "It is her thing, you know? Making people angry."

Marinette rolled her eyes, "She just does it unnecessarily most of the time."

Adrien smiled.
"And what is with the nickname?" She asked.
"You called me Mari." she stated.
"Oh. I didn't realise." he said, a blush making its way up his neck. Marinette smiled.

Maybe he does have feelings for me. Maybe he didn't just try to make me feel better at the hospital. Maybe I do have a chance.

She smiled, looking at Adrien. "It's okay." she said, and kissed him on the cheek.
Adrien smirked down at Marinette, "Your kisses are spe-cat-ular." He grinned and kissed her on the forehead. She smiled up at him.



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