《 seriously can't believe 》

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Adrien grunted as he saw Chloe over the other side of the court. I really don't want to do this. Adrien thought.
He then realised he voiced it as well when Marinette pleaded, "Come on, it's the only way to get rid of these Ticket Master's."
"But why do I have to do it?" Adrien whined.
"Because she'll listen to you."
Adrien groaned. I so don't want to do this.
He apparently voice that one, too. "Please. For me?" Marinette asked.
"Okay." Adrien sighed and closed the distance between himself and Chloe.
"Adrikins!" She yelled, jumping onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist and peppering his face with kisses.

"Hi, Chloe." Adrien grunted, noting that she used the awful pet name.

He hated that name.

"Do you wanna do something later tonight?" She asked, gazing into her favourite pair of green eyes.
Adrien stifled a groan, and then he stifled a gag at what he said next, "I would love to," he mentally scrunched up his face, "but I can't, my father needs me home tonight."
"Oh, okay. Maybe another day, then?"
She is really insistent, isn't she?

"Sure." He glanced over at Marinette, and she showed him the thumbs up. "It's pretty weird how Ivan got Akumatised again." He started.
"Yeah." Chloe agreed, "He really needs to have some anger management sessions, or something." Chloe paused, "But, Ladybug saved the day. She always does."
"Yeah. She's awesome." Adrien paused, remembering what Marinette said, "But, really, you were the hero that day, when Stone Heart's Akuma wasn't caught." Adrien said, making a mental note to never let Marinette put one of her plans to do with Chloe into action.
"Really, how?" Chloe asked.
"Well, when Ladybug didn't catch the Akuma the first time, you... persuaded him to become Stone Heart again, so he could be defeated once and for all."
"Yeah, I did!" Chloe said, "Are you proud of me, Adrikins?"
Adrien faked a smile, "Yes, I am, Chloe."

Chloe smiled and reached up to loop her hands around Adrien's neck. He froze.
What is she doing?

He soon found out, because she puckered her lips, ready to give Adrien the most unwanted kiss of his life. "Wait!" Adrien exclaimed.
Chloe stopped, and Adrien let a relieved sigh escape his lips, "You know what you should do?" He asked.
"What?" Chloe asked, starting to get excited.
"You should save the day again. Help Ladybug out."
A disappointed look came about Chloe's face for a few seconds, and then she smiled, "Then, we can try that kiss again?" She asked hopefully.
Adrien stifled a gag, "Sure." His throat felt strangled. I seriously can't believe that I just agreed to that.



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