《 whoa 》

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Ladybug found herself in a plain white space. No one was around her and she was...floating?

She struggled with moving around a bit, but she got the hang of it. She was starting to wonder if she would starve to death or die of dehydration in this insipid place. She wondered if Cat was alright.

The ticket didn't sting when it touched her shoulder. It felt calming, like she was floating away smoothly.

She looked at the white in the distance. Does it go on forever? She asked herself.

She was about to explore her surroundings when an inescapable tidal wave of lightheadedness washed over her.

She felt like she was in a dream. Her vision was going blurry, making her shake her head to clear it. Though the dizziness didn't go away. She clutched her head, a throbbing sensation making its way around her skull.

Then something weird happened. She stopped floating. Her feet were planted on the white floor. But there was no floor here. Her minded reminded her. The whiteness of no where started to have some colour in it. Golds and browns and blues.

The blue sky made its way over the top of Ladybug's head and she was soon surrounded by stones carved out and built in a triangular prisms. Pyramids?

Ladybug found herself looking at a temple. It was carved out of tough sandstone and intricate and delicate Egyptian symbols were inscribed on the walls and ceilings.

She found herself walking through the temple, down the long and wide corridor - if you could call it that (it was nothing like the corridors at school) - looking at all if the writing and symbols presented on the walls. That was when one of the symbols caught her eye. A circle with a vertical line drawn directly through it. A ladybug?

Then her eyes drifted to the drawing above it. A female figure with a long Egyptian styled skirt and a mid-drift top; both red with black spots. Ladybug noted that the figure in the drawing had the Ladybug Miraculous. Did Tikki serve this Ladybug? She paused. Of course she did. She is the kwami of the Miraculous. Duh?

Ladybug looked at the woman's clothes and then at her own. Her eyes widened. They were exactly the same!

Ladybug found herself feeling the fabric of the long skirt, wondering if it was real. She could see the two slits in the dress - which would make it easier to move in - showing off her now tanned legs. My legs are never tan! Maybe they changed when I got here, just like my clothes.

She shrugged her shoulders and looked at herself again, wondering how the tan could've got there and if it would stay when she got out of Egypt.

She rested a hand against her flat stomach, also tanned. Her arms were tanned too. She smiled still in awe. Maybe I should sun-bake more often. The hero was brought out of her thoughts when her name was called. "Ladybug!" A familiar voice rang throughout the 'corridor'.

She turned around smiling, towards her beloved partner. And then her face flushed. It seems like his clothes has changed too. And she'd be damned if she lied about him looking hot. Whoa.



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