《 dispersing into the air 》

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Screams escaped girls' mouths while yells escaped the boys'. The teacher turned around from the chalkboard, wondering what the ruckus her class was making for. That was until she caught sight of The Ticket Master. A scream escaped her own mouth, and her feet were cemented to the ground. Students filed out of the class door in a flash, leaving the teacher alone with the villain.

You can guess what happens next, right?

The Ticket Master chuckled evilly. "Hi, Miss."
He walked towards the teacher. He was a few feet taller than her. "I never really like your lessons." He stated, "they always seemed to bore me; all of that Pythagoras and all of those letters mixed with numbers." He smiled, "I mean, if I wanted to learn about the alphabet, I would've been in an Literature class instead of a Math one."

The teacher was frozen in fear. She couldn't move, even though she tried so hard to. Her eyes roamed frantically over the objects on her desk, searching for a weapon.

All what she could find was a pen. "Your lessons are always excruciating long," The Ticket Master continued, "Sometimes I just wish it would not exist!" A smile came to his face, "I guess I will find out what that feels like, now won't I?"

Before the teacher could grab the pen in her defense, The Ticket Master sent a ticket in her direction.

As soon as the ticket hit her palm (which she put up as she yelled, "wait") her figure started to fizz away, dispersing into the air.

She was truly and utterly non-existent.



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