《 are you serious? 》

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Cat Noir landed on the balcony leading into his room. His transformation wore off and Plagg appeared by his side. Adrien smiled at his kwami, "Long time, no see, aye Plagg?"
"Yeah, yeah. Just give me cheese." Plagg held his paws out expectantly.

Adrien laughed. He opened his bag, which was hooked over his shoulder and got out a piece of cheese. He held back from giving it to Plagg. "Wha-?" Plagg asked, his mouth opened wide and his eyes hungry for Camembert.

"Hold on to your undies. I just wanted to ask..." He leaned closer to the black kwami. "Did you miss me as much as you missed Camembert?"
Plagg looked at the piece of cheese in Adrien's hand with want. "Are you serious? I've never missed Camembert more in my life!" Plagg snatched the piece of cheese from Adrien's hand, before the hero could react.

Adrien chuckled down at his green eyed friend, shaking his head.



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