《 horrifying imagination 》

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Marinette ran.

Something must have triggered Ivan into become the Ticket Master again. Chloe's aggravations triggered Hawk Moth's senses of Ivan's feelings, though something else happened to help Ivan make a decision.

Adrenaline coursed through her veins, getting ready for the fight she so willingly was putting herself into. Adrien caught up to Marinette running with her. "I'll see you in a little bit." he said, touching her arm and turning left while Marinette turned right.

"Tikki, spots on!"
"Plagg, claws out!"

The ordinary year ten students transformed into their alter ego-selves with a bright light shining in the dimly lit corridor of the school.
One red.
One green.

Ladybug and Cat Noir met each other in the middle of the hallway. "Where is he?" Asked Cat Noir.
Ladybug tuned her ears to the sounds above.
An evil laugh reverberated throughout the corridors.
The Ticket Master.

"That way." she said pointing towards a Math classroom. She ran towards the door which was wide open from the fleeing class just moments before.

She looked inside of the classroom seeing the Ticket Master gaining ground on a Math teacher, tickets in his hand. I ticket flew towards the teacher like a floating butterfly, too smoothly and hastily, for something so dreadful.

The teacher separated into particles as the ticket touched her. The teacher's features and shape was distorted until she vanished into thin air. "No!" Ladybug yelled, her hand out-stretched towards the woman who disappeared.

Ladybug sent a hateful glare towards the Ticket Master, and threw her yo-yo at his head in the hopes of knocking him out. Her hasty and not-thought-out plan, backfired as the Ticket Master grabbed hold of the yo-yo and flung Ladybug across the room. "Ladybug!" Cat Noir cried.

Not affected, Ladybug stood up straight and ran at the Ticket Master, angry that she was being so stupid and not thinking her strategy out. Though, she couldn't come up with one. The attacks and counter attacks went on for an uncountable amount of minutes and the Ticket Master sure wasn't slowing down. Cat Noir looked exhausted while Ladybug seemed to be a mirror of his tiredness.

The Ticket Master smiled evilly, seeing how Ladybug and Cat Noir were weakening; slowing down. He threw a ticket in Ladybugs direction. It sailed smoothly across the air on a sure path towards the tiring hero. Ladybugs vision went blurry for a moment or two until her vision focused on the black and purple piece of paper floating in her direction. She quickly maneuvered her yo-yo in a manner that deflected the ticket. It disintegrating as it hit the yo-yo.

Great, we can't even use his own weapon against him. Cat Noir's thoughts seemed to be the same as his shoulders slumped and his stance reflected his defeat.

We're not done yet. We have to do something! Ladybug thought.

She eyed the tickets thoughtfully, thinking on what they could do to stop him. Her thoughts were interrupted by the raging villain, running towards her at lightning speed, his hand was at his tickets, ready to put Ladybug into non-existence.

He was gaining ground too fast, way too fast for her to run away or deflect his ticket. As the ticket small piece of paper flew towards Ladybug, Cat Noir jumped in the way, the ticket absorbing into his chest. Ladybug reached for Cat Noir as an instinct, hoping to grab a hold of him, to save him. Cat Noir faded, until the space between Ladybug and the Ticket Master was clear, as if Cat Noir wasn't even there.

Ladybug looked over at the spot where Cat Noir was before he jumped in front of her, hoping that Cat Noir disappearing was just a figment of her horrifying imagination.

The space was empty. Ladybug's face was sad. Her limbs were weak. There was no way she could stop the villain on her own when both Cat Noir and her couldn't do the job together.

Why, Cat? She asked, Why do you always have to put me before yourself?

A tear slipped down her cheek and more tears followed, until she was basically crying a river.



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