《 try 》

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Sorry for the SUPER late upload guys! (You might want to reread the last chapter or two to be reminded of what happened up to this point)

My excuse for the REALLY LATE upload? I just recently went back to school and, yeah, let's just say it's been busy.

This isn't the best chapter but enjoy!


Chloe saw Ivan across the court yard.
Adrien seemed to be really insistent on her helping Ladybug, he also said he was proud of her! And that he would kiss her! All what she had to do was to 'persuade' Ivan to become the Ticket Master again, like last time. What did she do last time?

"So I hear you got upset over Mylene again." She stated, smirking as she noticed that she got Ivan's attention.
"So what if I did?" Ivan grunted, glaring at Chloe, his facial expression clearly displaying his hate towards the girl.
"Why do you even try?" She asked.
"Try what?" Ivan asked, his glaring replaced for confusion.
"Why do you try to win Mylene's heart? I mean your big and scary and she gets scared very easily. She gets scared of you!"
"But she likes me." Ivan insisted,
"Why does she like you then?" Chloe asked, smirking, "I remember one time when you scared her so much that she had a panic attack and got Akumatised herself!"
"She likes me because I'm scary. I scare all of the bad people away from her."
"But if she liked you because you protect her, why did she go to the movies, on a date, no less, with Max! Of all people. From my point of view, it seems like Mylene likes Max more than you."
"What?" Ivan roared, his face going red.
"Well, think about it. He's a wimp as much as Mylene is. They could be wimps together. That means that they can relate to each other. That they could know what each other is going through. Its kind of cute really. I mean, you and Mylene would never be together if Max was around her all of the time. I bet he just wants Mylene all to himself. Like that selfish wimp he is."

Before Ivan could defend Mylene about her being a wimp, the accusations Chloe made sunk into his hard skull and his face was contorted with rage.
That little WEASEL.


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