《 maybe 》

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Marinette watched Adrien and Chloe talk. A weird feeling came about her chest. Jealousy.

She knows that Adrien wouldn't do anything like that with Chloe. At least not intentionally.

Adrien looked over at Marinette worriedly and she gave him the two thumbs up, hoping to boost up his confidence. She sighed, looking at Chloe and Adrien together.

They would make a perfect couple. They're both popular. They'd be like a power couple.

Adrien looked over at Marinette, as he was talking to Chloe. There was a dreamy expression on his face.

She's seen that expression before. He's talking about Ladybug. Marinette's heart soared, and then altitude was lost and it crashed into the bottom of her stomach.

I'm a nobody as Marinette. She thought. I'm somebody as Ladybug and that's why Adrien likes me. Because I'm Ladybug and not just a kluts who destroys things or who falls over for tripping on her own foot!

She sighed, again.
Then she saw Chloe reaching up to kiss Adrien and her heart shattered into a million pieces.

Maybe he doesn't like me at all. Maybe he was just trying to make me feel better in the hospital.

She snifled and blinked back tears which were threatening to escape.

I was stupid for thinking I had a chance with him.



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