Ch.2- Confession

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You gasp, and start shaking slightly.


"Stop sniveling and convince me!"

You cough again, and blood speckles the pavement.

"I-I'm not exactly in the b-best position to talk... P-please get your-"

Guren growls and removes his foot.


You quickly sit up.

"M-me and Mikaela Hyakuya b-both were livestock for the vampires..."

And so you begin, telling your entire story, words flowing from you like water through a broken dam.

Everything. Every time Ferid sunk his teeth into your skin, every time Mika saved you from death, even your first kiss, every single detail you could remember.

You were scared, and the scared do talk.

It might have taken a few minutes, maybe an hour, but you finally finish.

Gurrn gives a little "hmmph" sound.

"Your story seems... Plausible. But if you want to fight among people with contracts with demons, you must get a demon weapon of your own... If you can face your inner demons."

He sheathes his sword.

"If you are the filthy bloodsucker I think you are, you will not pass the test. And then, when you are possessed.... I'll have a reason to kill you."

Guren smoothes back his hair, and looks over to Mika, shocked still.

"Only the girl. I know your back story to be true, Mikaela from Hyakuya labs."

(Soooo sorry I have not posted lately, and I might not for a while if my data runs out, and sorry this part is short 😞😞😞 I just wanted to tell you all thanks for the support and comments! I love comments. A lot 😝)

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now