Ch.23- Insanity

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-Krul's side-

Crowley is dead.

Ferid is dead, by my hands.

Chess is dead.

Horn is dead.

Many more of my people are dead.

Is it finally time to retreat? Do I give the order?

Krul's eyes swept the seas of empty, bloody cloaks, and her heart twisted. She had given up her psychotic facade long ago, so she didn't even try to hide the weariness on her face.

Would they even listen?

Or would they continue fighting, until the last one of my people turned to dust?

The Angel, the creator, the Ruler of All had turned against them.

Was there even... A point... To the vampires anymore?

A gust of wind picked up, and Krul's hair swung to the side, fanning out into pointed clumps like pink claws stretching out into the night.

The fading red light from the moon cast an eerie light on the Queen, and a shadow fell over her eyes.

The Queen let out a small, insane giggle, this one the first one in years she didn't have to fake.

The giggle grew and then suddenly erupted into loud laughter.

The queens whole body shook as her laughing grew louder and louder.

Soon her laughter was so loud it caused several fighting humans and vampires to stop in their battles.

The breeze slowed and stopped, and Krul lifted her face into the light.

Her pupils had expanded into dark orbs of black, her small smirk stretched into a demonic smile that seemed impossibly wide.

Her head twitched, sending a ripple through her tangled hair.

A bat-like bow, clinging to the tips, fell down onto the ground.

Kill the Angel.

The thought was so sudden, so right, that Krul wondered why she hadn't set it as her main goal earlier.

Her arm slowly stretched out, the black, jagged sword in her hands silently arching into the air at her side.

Red flames erupted down the blade like the sword had been soaked in gasoline.

Prepare to die, Angel. This time I won't back down.


Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now