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"(Name)..." A soft, desperate voice calls to you.

"Please... Wake up...."

Warm fingers brush your face.

"(Name)..." The voice is a whisper now, and a drop of liquid hits your cheek.

You lift your eyes open groggily, eyes slowly focusing. You're in a small hospital room, Mika leaning over you.

"Mika?" You call weakly. The blonde squeezes his eyes shut, more tears falling, and his hand tightly squeezes yours.

"I'm... So, so, sorry..... I couldn't... Get there in time...."

You reach up and run your hands through his soft, warm blond hair. It feels like silk between your fingers.

"I... didn't want... to be... an Angel... anyways...."

You laugh, a small, quiet one.

"Who needs.... wings? They'd... just get in the way...."

You wrap your hand around his neck and pull him down into a kiss.

It starts out as a soft, gentle kiss, but grows more passionate, and Mika threads his fingers through your hair. You sit up slightly, suddenly flooded with energy, and Mika wraps his arms around you, deepening the electricity between you.

You pull back, biting your lip, and meet Mika's lustful eyes with your own.

A few unspoken words pass between you, and Mika seems surprised.

"Are you sure?" He whispers. "In your condition, you're healed, but you must be exhau-"

You touch a finger to his lips, lowering your voice.
"Lock the door."

You didn't really expect him to follow your advice, but it seemed that the man's needs were as high as your own. Those gorgeous eyes of his were like twin rubies as he gazed upon you.

"...We probably shouldn't." Mika murmured, those blond locks of his looking tantalizingly soft.

"Injuries won't hinder me very much." You teased.

His body had gone rigid, before a shudder worked through him. "On the battlefield yesterday-... wings or not, you were gorgeous." He murmured it as if it were a prayer, and his hands, as if he were just allowing that part of him to come forward for fear of hurting you, caressed your cheek, his thumb rolling over the skin.

You smiled a little at him. "You're holding yourself back."
He returned it with a little grin of his own. Your stomach did a wonderful little flop at the sight of those fangs. "You have no idea how long I've craved you." His admittance was rough, low, those eyes a dangerous crimson. "I don't know if I'd be able to keep myself from losing myself in y-"

You cut him off with your lips, your kiss on his mouth a clash of passion and a dizzying sensation that had nothing to do with the hospital.

Mika lost himself, his hands and body moving to meet yours, his desire taking ahold of him, but he was still so incredibly sweet, so gentle.
Every contact point where his hands touched tingled deliciously.
That day, neither of you were left wanting.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now