Ch.17- Queen's Fall

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There is silence, and a loud, male voice calls across the way, from an unseen noble.

"Who do you fight for, Angel?"

You lock eyes with Mika, and he nods. You've spoken about this moment.

"I fight for the humans." You say, your voice strong.

There is silence, and then they attack.

Mika rushes to you, drawing his blade, and you pull Ryūk from his sheath as well.

You feel emotionally and spiritually drained, but as for you physical condition, right then and there you could have bent a car in half.

The golden blood washes through your body, rejuvenating your muscles, strengthening your bones, and giving you power.

Mika stops at your side, eyeing the wings.

"Are you... Alright now?"

You roll your shoulderblades and unfurl the wings. It's not hard, more like moving two limbs.

A rush of endorphins go through you and you grin.

"I... I don't want to drink the humans blood anymore, Mika!"

It's true. You can still sense the blood running in their veins, but it doesn't have that same alluring scent.

Your ears prick as you hear a low whistling. When you realize what it's from, it's almost too late.

"Mika!" You call.

Your wing snaps out in front of him, and the arrow clunks against a metal feather.

The blonde's eyes widen, realizing where the arrow would have gone, and he jumps to the side. A female noble with short green hair swipes at Mika, and he blocks the blow quickly with his sword.

She lifts up her head and purrs.
"You're one of our kind. What a happy coincidence."

You are about to help him when a high-pitched voice rings out behind you.

"Angelllll~" the voice says in a sing-song voice, and when you turn, you are greeted with the face of the Queen.

Her long pink hair has been pulled into a long braid, long strands hanging down on each side of her head, the braid tied with a large black bow that resembles a bat. Her eyes are wide, pupils dilated, and a line of blood snakes down her face.

For the first time, you see her sword.

It's black and jagged, the blade slick with blood, handle seemingly made of pink jewel-encrusted white stone.

She breaks out into hysterical laughter.

"I see you've joined the humans, ah? What a disappointment."

Her lips curl into an almost demonic smile, her bloodied fangs in full view.

"Prepare to die, traitor."

She jumps at you, attacking in a frenzy of movement, and sparks fly with every attack you block.

You suddenly thrust your wings out in front of you and lock them together between you and Krul. You hear her blade shink down the metal feathers and then you pull them apart and behind you again.

The queen feints a slice for your skull and curls down the blade at the last second to aim for your torso, and you jump backward, but not before getting a nasty nick on your side.

Metallic blood drips onto the grass below you.

Krul giggles, though her eyes stay dead and cold. She looks down at the gold on the tip of her sword, then licks it.

"Mmmm... Tastes like red blood, but also tastes a little like... Honey."

The psychotic Queen again bursts into crazed laughter.

"I'd like to have more, after I kill you."

You pant, holding the wound. Another voice, this one male and smooth, comes from behind Krul.

"Unless I drain you first, my queen."

You catch a flash of silver ponytail, and suddenly Ferid has his fangs in Krul's neck. Krul drops her sword In suprise and you gasp.

Krul struggles, trying to twist out of the vampires iron grip, but you can tell she's getting weaker.

She goes still in a surprisingly short amount of time.

Ferid pulls back, blood dripping down his chin, smirking.

"That was fast." He says with an amused tone, and drops Krul's body like a broken toy.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now