Ch. 10- Golden Flecks

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You wake slowly, vision blurring and refocusing. You're on the floor... In front of.... A throne?

Is this... The Queen's throne?

You bolt upright, and look up at the small, pink-haired woman.

"Krul, Vampire Queen." She states, and you jump up, sinking into a low bow, then wince. Old habits die hard. Well, at least the insane queen seems happy with your decision to bow.

"Blood." She says, and you freeze. It's another command, a choice. Did you think the queen was worthy? Well, it wouldn't hurt to butter her up a bit...

You slash your wrist, not moving upward from the bow, simply keeping one dripping wrist thrust out in front of you and the other respectfully folded across your stomach.

Krul stands, flicks out a hand, and takes a drop of your blood onto her finger tip.

"Tell me, (Name)-chan, why is your blood gold?"

Your surprise breaks your perfect pose and you look at your wrist. It's red. Red blood.

"I-it's red, my queen." You wince again. Old habits, old 'proper' ways to address the queen. What next? Would you start licking her boots?

The queen heaved a sigh and abruptly burst into maniacal laughter.

"Look at the actual blood itself. Closely."

You bend your elbow and stare hard into your bleeding wrist. You must have had some dirt on your hand and it mixed with your-

Crap. She's right.

Those small flecks of dirt are actually... Gold.

Krul tilts her head. "Got it, no-rank?"

You wince at the traitorous nickname and push back your bubbling questions.

Krul coughs. "Ferid?"

The silver-haired vampire steps from the shadows.

"Yes, my beloved?"

Krul frowns. "You explain. I don't feel like it."

She leaves the room, "tsk"-ing under her breath.

Ferid smirks. "Such a proper little kitten. It's like you never left at all."

You lock your jaw, eye slightly twitching.

Ferid strokes his ponytail. "So, I have to play teacher, huh? Alright."

He clears his throat.

"You, my dear, are not a vampire."

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now