Ch.7- The Lion and the Mouse

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You press the tip of the blade to the vampire's chin.
"Traitor." He snarls. You give him a small, sad smile.
"Of your kind, I am."

Kill him.

You press the tip harder into the vampires skin, and a purple aura ripples down the bloody blade.

I said kill him, (Name)-chan. He almost killed you. Do you want to survive? Or do you want to die?

You growl, low in your throat.

Shut your mouth, Ryūk.

You pull your blade back and stab it into the vampires abdomen.

He evaporates in a swirl of purple sparks, empty cloak fluttering down onto the cracked ground.

It's been a few weeks since you joined the humans, and this is your third battle alongside them.

All you've seen is hooded vampires, not a single noble.

Until now. Until Crowley.

When you pull your blade back, your eyes lock on his, across the battlefield.

The noble tilts his head, curiously, cutting the human challenging him cleanly in half so he can focus on studying you.

He sees the uniform, the demonic sword, then says something to himself.

You can read his lips, all the way from here. "This will be fun." He is saying.

Ryūk, of course, seems excited.

Well. Who's that? He seems interesting.

You sigh. His name is Crowley, Ryūk.

A noble? Cool. I haven't fought one of those yet.

I'm the one fighting.

Same thing. I'm the weapon, so I gotta get some credit.

Shut up. Please. You're really distracting.

Hey. Have some respect for your sword, (Name).

Your blood goes cold.

Ferid. Why does he always have to show up?

You can sense Ryūk shrug.

I guess he just really likes you. Let's kill him.

It's not that easy.

Hey, I thought you wanted to kill this dude. Didn't he have you as a blood slave for three years or so? Let's kill him.

You're really bloodthirsty, Ryūk.

I try. Are you going to challenge them, already? I'm bored.

Shinoa clashes sword to scythe with a vampire behind you, and most of the others are occupied as well.

Mika is not, and you share a glance. He was looking at the two nobles too.

"Which one?" He mouths.

You grind your teeth and mouth back.

"Ferid. Definitely."

Mika nods. "I'll take Crowley."

Both of you grip your swords tighter and run, almost flying, towards the two nobles. Ferid and Crowley both notice your approach at the same time, and they start running to meet up with you.

At the last second, you fly up into the air, clashing blades with Ferid in midair. Sparks fly, and Ferid springs back, perching on a streetlight.

You land, sliding your foot out behind you and landing in a lunge, sword out to your side.

"It's been a long time, kitten. Again. We keep on running into each other, don't we?"

He rests his chin on his hand and smirks.

"I see you're a traitor now, too. Interesting. And you've gotten much stronger. Ah, well."

His red eyes glint.

"You're not the only one who's changed."

He swoops down from the streetlight, and you again block his attack.

You pull back, jump up onto the streetlight where he sat just seconds there. You swing your legs over the curve, and hang upside down, hair falling down.

You look at him, cock your upside-down head.

"You're getting pretty boring."

You swing up onto your feet and dodge as he jumps and swipes again, sliding under him and taking a swing at his back.

He twists in midair, blocks, then swings at your legs. You bend your knees, the sword swings through air, and then you touch your blade to his shoulder.

"Got you." You grin and jump away.

He spins, smirks. "A fight to the death, then? Let's higher the stakes."

You shrug, swing your sword in a lazy circle. "Fine by me."

The faint clashing of Mika's battle reaches your ears.

Ferid lunges again for your abdomen, but you swing your hips to the side, then twist an arm around his neck, then one of your legs around his waist, then the other. You both fall onto the ground, making dust puff up around you, you pinning him down.

You're face to face with the vampire, your hair falling like a curtain around both of you. His silver ponytail curves into a C on the dirt.

Your free hand pokes the tip of your sword into his Adam's apple.

"I win." You whisper.

Ferid grins. "Yes, you have, kitten. I said to the death, and it appears you have won. My own pet... How ironic it will be you to end me."


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