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Yuu opened the door, rubbing his eyes, an then snapped to full attention when he saw you awake.

It was morning, and Mika was sleeping soundly in a chair next to your bed.

Nothing suspicious at all, Yuu, was your first thought.

"You're awake!" The green-eyed boy exclaimed loudly.

You gave him a nod, a small blush creeping into your cheeks.

"Never better," You mumbled, hiding half your face behind the blanket.

"I gotta go tell everyone!" Yuu said, this time so loudly that Mika stirred in his slumber.

Yuu rushed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. The sound jolted Mika fully awake, and he almost fell out of the chair.

You giggled, and Mika looked up, a rosy blush flashing on his cheeks.

"...You're beautiful, (Name)..." He whispered, and you giggled again.

"Flirting already? It's, like, six a.m..."

Mika blushed deeper. "It doesn't matter what time it is, it's still true..."

You flung one of your two pillows at him. "Calm down, mister."

Mika blinked as the pillow hit his face. "Heeeyyyyyy...." He whined, smiling.

You laughed and stretched, the taunt, white scar tissue on your shoulder blades pulling. It didn't hurt, the skin was just really weird, but you were getting used to it.

That was about the moment the door once again flew open, and Shinoa, wearing only a tan towel wrapped around her, tackled you. Her wet purple hair slapped you in the face.

"Were you just... In the shower?..."
You asked, shocked.

She lifted up her head.
"No, I was swimming in a lake," she said sarcastically, grinning. "Besides, we are both gir-"

A squeaking sound came from behind Shinoa.

Kimizuki was standing in the doorway with a nosebleed, Yoichi covering his eyes next to him.
Mika had his face buried in the pillow you threw at him earlier.

Shinoa smirked. "You like what you see, Kimizuki?" She asked, grabbing the second pillow from the bed. "Because it's going to be the last thing before you die!"

Shinoa gave a battle squeal and started bashing Kimizuki over the head with the pillow.
He covered his head with his hands. "Hey! .... Ow!" He said between bonks.

Yoichi squeaked again and ran into the hospital room, trying to escape being accidentally hit by Shinoa's raging pillow attacks.

Yuu, the poor boy, chose that exact time to return from telling Guren you had woken up. Soon both him and Kimizuki were victims.

Luckily, Mitsuba showed up to disarm Shinoa and give her a robe Mitsuba had luckily been wearing.

Shinoa tied her robe and smirked at the two groaning boys. She stuck out her tongue, and went into the hospital again.

She glared at Yoichi playfully. "Did you see anything?" She asked.

Yoichi made a strangled sound and frantically shook his head from side to side.
"I'm... blind?" He said, trying and failing to come up with an excuse.

Shinoa, Mitsuba, Mika, and you burst out laughing at the same time.

Your heart warms, looking at the smiling faces of your comrades.

I love these people, you think contently. You look at Shinoa, laughing so hard tears are coming from her eyes, and then at Yoichi, wearing a small smile of his own, at Yuu and Kimizuki playfully wrestling in the middle of the hallway, and then lastly at Mitsuba, clutching her stomach an trying not to fall over from laughter.

These people... They don't just seem like... Comrades.... Or even friends... They seem like...


You look over at Mika, smiling.

..... And Mika... He feels like... Part of me... The other half of my soul....

Mika's eyebrows furrow as silent, happy tears slide down your cheeks.

"(Name)?" He asks, and everyone's attention turns to you.

For all this time, it's always been just you and Mika, but now...

You laugh, brushing the tears away from your eye. 

"I'm just.... happy I finally have a family...."

Well, it's kinda cheesy the way I ended it, but, well, the whole 'family' thing in Seraph of the End was kinda cheesy too, but everyone (including MEE) really likes that, otherwise they wouldn't be here! *yawns* I can't believe I finally ended it! Don't worry, dear readers, there's going to be an epilogue, but... *yawns again* Maybe tomorrow... It's 4:13 a.m.... Ugh....................

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now