Ch.16- Wings

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The blood moon is here.

"M-Mika put me d-down."



Mika bites his lip, eyebrows drawing together, but obeys, setting you gently down on the grass.

"Get everyone away..."

Mika lifts up his head. "Shinoa Squad, get everyone back."

Through the corner of your eye you can see Shinoa nod.

"Everyone back!" She shouts, her voice surprisingly loud despite her small size.

The other soldiers are confused at first, but when they see you, face scrunched up in pain, they start backing away.

Mika leans over you.

"You need to get back, too, Mika..."

Another wave of pain jolts your body.


Yuu comes up behind Mika and puts a hand on his shoulder, tugging him.

"Come on, Mika." He says softly.

The blonde reluctantly backs away.

The cloud covering the moon moves to the side, and pinkish light touches your skin.

You try to bite it back, but let out a small scream of pain, the reddish light assaulting your skin like thousands of burning needles.

Your body erupts into violent shakes, and the skin on your back begins to boil, stretching and pulling. Your bare wrist brushes the hilt of your sword, and Ryūk's voice fills your mind.

I can't possess you, (Name)! I'm trying, I'm trying, but I think you're going to have to deal with this yourse-

Another jolt makes your wrist jump away from your sword, and his voice shut off with a buzz.

You can hear the muffled voices of the vampires. They seem to be cheering.

White flames shoot out of your skin, and you're burning, burning, skin starting to glow from the heat. Your vision turns red. You hear far-off screaming, and then realize it's your own voice.

And then, the skin on your back erupts.

-Mika's Side-

The wings are not angelic, not at all.

They stab up into the air, and unfurl, looking like skeletal golden bones. The feathers are different shades of gold, from dull bronze to yellowish, jagged and pointed. They seem to be held together with lines of golden chains.

The golden feathers are dotted with crimson, and more blood runs down (Name)s back. The blood suddenly changes color, and runs gold.

Each wing stretches at least six feet, and are as wide as (Name)s torso.

The wings spread out, as if they have a mind of their own, and the feathers lock together with a loud clank. They bend, and fold, layering themselves onto (Name)s back like an insect folds its wings, reaching down to the back of her knees. They're surprisingly thin.

(Name) swears, pushes herself up from the ground, looking dazed. She coughs, and pure, golden blood dots her wrist.

"Well that was interesting."

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now