Ch 11- Angel of Darkness

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Ferid smirks at your stunned reaction.

"I-I'm not a-"

"No. You are neither human or vampire."

Ferid takes a deep breath, and begins.

"When I first awoke...


The dirt is suffocating, choking his lungs. He scrambles, tears out of the ground. He has no memory. Nothing. Just a large jumble of instincts.

The first is to drink.

A human, walking alone, stands frozen with terror.

Blood. He must drink her blood.

The vampire attacks the human, pins her to the ground, and drinks.

It's strange at first, and he does not know what he is doing. For the longest time he just tears and rips at her throat, unable to find the vein. Her screams are loud, annoying. He wishes she would stop.

He finally finds the vein, sinks his fangs into it, and a feeling unlike any other rocks his body. It's peace. He feels calmer than he has ever been, and as her blood fills him, giving him life, as her movements slow and then stop, he grows stronger, and stronger.

You are a noble, says the voice in his head.

Serve your queen.

Fighting skills, athletic skills, reading, writing, everything- crams itself into his mind, flooding in from an unknown source.

And then comes the second instinct.

Find the Angel. She rules over all.

A blurred, shaking, static-ey figure comes into mind, nothing like the clear face of his queen.

It's a child, with golden wings. Large golden wings that spread up into the sky. The actual figure of the child is hard to tell.

She is your ruler.

She is your maker.

She is oblivious.

The voice is loud and booming, shaking his skull.

'Ferid bathony, you are the One. The Keeper of the Angel.'

'The Angel will catch your attention. She will be unable to remember herself. False memories like your own. Make her one of your kind.'

The voice cut off, and Ferid straightened.

"Interesting." Was the first word he spoke.

"I must find my Queen."

From that day on, the vampires enslaved children left from the virus. Mostly as blood slaves, but also to find the Angel.

It was instinctual, almost as hard to resist as the bloodlust.


You scoff. "I've never heard of that. If all the vampires born from the earth heard it, why isn't it well known?"

Ferid chuckled. "Another instinct. Vampires cannot reveal what they heard that first day to anyone except for the Angel."

"You're a madman. Golden wings? Please. I have shoulderblades."

"Think about it. That time you almost died, because of the demon curse activated within you? You should have evaporated, but you didn't, because no minor demon can destroy an Angel."

You cough. "So? Mika saved me before the curse was activated."

"How do you explain your demon sword cowering and agreeing to have a deal with you?"

"Ryūk was not cowering. He kissed me! On the lips! With his tongue and everything!"

"When I first saw you as a child, I knew what your were. I felt it."

"You need to go to a psychiatrist."

"You came up from the ground exactly how us vampires did, but with a false past!"

"You don't know that."

"What did your mother look like?"

You try to remember, but you can't.

"I was a little kid! Details are going to be fuzzy!"

Ferid heaves a sigh.

"There's a blood moon coming up, and if you don't grow wings, you're right. But if you do, I am."

"Blood moon? Wings? Have you lost your mind?"

Ferid smirks.

"I hope it's painful."

"What even?!?"

"You know where the exit is. I'll see you after the moon, Angel."

"You're crazy!"

You're shaking now, and you glare at him, then spin on your heel and march out of the room.

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now