Ch.5- Changes

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The two human-guards let go of said vampires arms and you rush up to him, flinging your arms around his neck.
He wraps his arms around your waist and you bury your face in his warm blonde hair. Mika bites his lip.

"I...I heard one of the guards say that demon you were up against had possessed at least a hundred humans... I was worried."

You giggle. "I'm not a human."

That seems to satisfy him.

You look over his shoulder, to the dark metal cell behind him.

"It was kind of inhumane of them to throw you in a cell while you waited." You mumble, and Mika's lips tilt up, revealing more of his fang.

"I could have bent the bars at any time." He whispers, and a shiver goes down your spine, but not a bad one.

You pull away and draw the sword, not all the way but just enough so that Mika can see the blade.

"That looks like one cut could slice a-"

"-man in half?" You finish, and smirk. "That's exactly what I was thinking. Not that I would."

"Are you done, lovebirds?" A rude male voice interrupts.


You sigh, cock your head at Mika.

"Are we?"

Mika smiles. "Sure." He says, but his eyes tell a different story.

You give Guren your full attention. He looks annoyed.

"I don't have any squads that need two, so you bloodsuckers are going to be kind of a second Shinoa squad, Yuu's group. You won't technically be a part of their group, because of our rule of five, so you will basically just follow the Shinoa squad wherever they go, but you don't necessarily have to work as a team with them."

You and Mika both nod, and Mika's red eyes flash with joy at the mention of his family's name.

Guren again runs his hand through his hair.

"The Shinoa squad shouldn't be that hard to spot. Look for a short brat with purple hair and Yuu. They're always in the center of some type of trouble."

Guren turns and walks away, heavy boots clicking.


You and Mika are led to a small dressing room filled with uniforms by one of the guards.

You immediately flush red, as the dressing room does not have any stalls or places to go for privacy.

Mika smiles nervously. "I-I'll wait outside until you're done."

You sigh with relief and close the door, quickly changing into a green and black uniform. There's a mirror on the wall and you quickly use it to pull up your hair.

You open the door.

Mika turns, and he looks... Suprised.

"You look... Nice, (Name)-chan."

He hurries into the room and changes. He looks.. Different. It's strange to see him in a human uniform, and his sword looks slightly out of place on his hip. It's a vampire sword, alright. Yours matches, you think, but the purple blade is definitely not green and black like all the other weapons.

Mika folds up his vampiric cloak and leaves it in the room.

"I don't need it anymore." He says quickly, hiding behind his hair, like he has done so many times.

You thread your fingers through his, and he squeezes your hand.

You brighten. "Let's meet the Shinoa Squad!"

Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader: (Book 2) WingsWhere stories live. Discover now